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Q: Who determines what is true moral and sane in your society today Can what is true moral or sane today change in the future?
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What determines the shape of a society?

The shape of a society is driven by its culture. The moral values of a society and the willingness for people to stand for those morals also shapes the society.

When was The Moral Basis of a Backward Society created?

The Moral Basis of a Backward Society was created in 1967.

How many pages does The Moral Basis of a Backward Society have?

The Moral Basis of a Backward Society has 188 pages.

What are some of society's rules?

It depends on society. Usually, the law, the Constitution, has society's rules and social moral on it.

When was Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society created?

Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society was created in 1978.

What is the moral law of cause and effect that determines the direction of rebirth?

The moral law of cause and effect, known as karma, determines the direction of rebirth in many Eastern religions and philosophies. It suggests that one's actions in this life will influence their future circumstances and state of being in future lives. Positive actions lead to positive outcomes and vice versa, shaping the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

What was the Advocate of Moral Reform was the newsletter of the?

Female moral reform society

When was New York Female Moral Reform Society created?

New York Female Moral Reform Society was created in 1834.

Why are the youth considered by rizal as the hope of the fatherland?

Rizal believed that the youth are the hope of the fatherland because they represent the future of the nation. He saw them as the ones who could bring about positive change, progress, and enlightenment in society. Rizal believed in the power of education and moral values in shaping the youth to become responsible and patriotic citizens who could lead the country to a better future.

What is a moral issue?

A moral issue can be described as an issue that involves a difference of belief or principle and not a matter of preference. What is moral also changes from society to society hence the difficulty at determining what is universally moral.

What is the importance of moral values?

Moral values make a society safer and more comfortable to live in.

What is Karl Marx's account of morality as a byproduct of economic activity?

Marx believed that there were no absolute rules of morality. They change as the means of production changes. What was moral in the feudal society might no longer be moral in the industrial one, because society's values change along with the change in economic systems. Economic changes cause new classes to arise and each new class has its own values which necessarily differ the previous class and its values.