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Q: Who did Rich Kreitling marry?
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When was Rich Kreitling born?

Rich Kreitling was born on 1936-03-13.

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Wherever you would marry a poor one, but usually in a church.

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because they want to know if you are rich and if they want to marry a rich kid.

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Marry a much older rich woman and wait.

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She was rich and good-looking. What's not to like?

How can you marry with a rich American woman?

Date her and be yourself. If she cannot like you for you, then dump her.

Does Prince Harry have to marry someone who is rich?

No, he doesn't have to marry someone wealthy (even the Queen's sons have not all married wealthy women).

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he's rich. love

Who do you choose the poor but handsome Guy or the ugly but rich Guy why?

I would rather flirt the handsome guy but marry to the rich one. That's life !