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Chris O'Donnell

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Q: Who did Robin Wright play in Batman Forever?
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Which actor played Robin alongside Michael Keaton in the first Batman movie?

Even though Robin originally had been included in the script- he was dropped from the story and did not appear in the 1989 film. However, Robin did appear on-screen in the sequel "Batman Forever" when Val Kilmer had taken over the role as Batman and Chris O'Donnell was the one playing the Boy Wonder. He returned to play Robin again in the next sequel "Batman & Robin".

Which batman movie did val kimer play in?

Batman Forever

In which film did Val Kilmer play Batman?

Batman Forever

Does robin turn bad in batman arkham city?

No, there is a cut scene where you meet Robin (as batman) and also a DLC where you can play as Robin in challenge maps

Has Val Kilmer played Superman?

No, he hasn't. But he did play as Batman in Batman Forever.

What is the difference between batman arkham city and batman arkham city robin edition?

The is a huge difference. 1. You can only play story mode with Batman, not Robin 2. Batman has a lot of challenge maps, Robin only has 2 3. Robin has completely different gadgets 4. Robin only has 3 skins, Batman has 8 or 9

Did robin play drums on Batman?

No, Robin is a fictional character in the Batman comics who is known for being Batman's sidekick. He does not play drums in any Batman storylines.

What was the name of the first Batman movie?

He was Batman in both "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight"- both of the films directed by Christopher Nolan. He also will be returning to play the Caped Crusader a third time in "The Dark Knight Rises".

Arnorld swarzenegger play in Batman and robin?

He played Mr Freeze

Did Eric Sykes play Batman or Robin?

No, he played neither role.

What movie did Danny devito play the penguin?

Batman Forever.

Who did Tommy lee Jones play in batman forever?
