

Best Answer

Dr. Richard Fleming is rated as the top plastic surgeon for his work on many different celebrities. He has been a plastic surgeon for over 40 years and has worked on many big name celebrities.

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Q: Who does the best celebrity nose jobs?
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Related questions

How many nose jobs has Ashley Tisdale?

Ashley Tisdale has had approximately 2 to 3 nose jobs.

What celebrity names rhyme with NOSE?

Rose lol :P

What is the average number of nose jobs performed annually?

On average, 350,000 Americans get nose jobs every year.

From what angles should before and after pictures of nose jobs be taken?

Before and after pictures of nose jobs should be taken from at least two angles. A side-on picture is most helpful for seeing the change in the nose's projection from the face, and also for seeing a difference in any bumps or imperfections on the front of the nose. his angle also shows the overall change to a person's profile. A head-on photograph is best for seeing any difference in the width or length of the nose and gives the best indication of how a nose job has changed a person's appearance.

Why do women get nose jobs?

Women get nose jobs for a few different reasons. Either they have something medically wrong that needs fixed or they do not like the way their nose looks.

Pictures of celebrities with nose studs?

Many websites now show images of celebrity nose jobs. These include Fox News, Real Self and Daily Makeover. Most of these websites allow people to comment on these photos to give their opinion on what they look like.

Who invented nose jobs?

The real question is who invented hand jobs?

What doctor did Megan Fox's nose job or any doctor that did a celebrity thanks?

there are sites out there that say frank Ryan did Megan fox's nose. but he passed away. other celebrity doctors are kanodia, fisher, and haworth.

I am getting a nose jobs. Can I pick out what type of nose i want?

You can pick your nose bigger then your other one

Who built the temple at delphi?

Well actually my name is Abby Trewavis, and i have a pig nose and i give people foot jobs! its the best

Can you contour your nose to make it less pointy?

With plastic surgery. Nose jobs are common.

How can one prevent nose jobs gone wrong?

The best way to prevent a bad nose job would be to have a complete understanding of the procedure and the surgeon who will be completing the procedure. Be sure to ask for before and after pictures to get an idea of what your nose could look like.