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Q: Who is Henry Clerval and what are his interests and goals?
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What is the name of Frankenstein's cousin?

Henry Clerval

Where does Henry clerval die?

Chapter 21

What is Henry's last name in Frankenstein?


How does the monster kill Henry clerval?

The monster strangles Henry Clerval near a Scottish town while Victor is momentarily away. Henry's body is found by a townsman, leading to Victor being falsely accused of the murder.

Who was Dr Frankenstein's best friend?

Dr. Frankenstein's best friend was Henry Clerval, who was portrayed as a kind and loyal companion in Mary Shelley's novel. Clerval supported Victor emotionally and intellectually throughout the story.

How and why did Henry Clerval die?

He was strangled by the monster to make victor miserable

Who was Henry clerval?

A childhood friend of frankinsteins who loves poetry and the arts.

Henry clerval helped or hurt victors descent into madness?

Helped :)

Victor Frankenstein and Henry Clerval had been friends how long?


Why does Victor accompany Henry Clerval on a voyage to England and Scotland?

study science

Who is Henry clerval to victor?

Henry Clerval is Victor Frankenstein's childhood friend and later study companion at the University of Ingolstadt. He is a source of support and comfort to Victor, serving as a contrast to Victor's introverted and obsessive nature. Henry's friendship with Victor proves vital as Victor battles the consequences of his scientific pursuits.

How many victims does the creature claim with his own hands?

Three: William Frankenstein, Henry Clerval, and Elizabeth Lavenza