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Q: Who is Superman helper?
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All versions of Superman?

utimate superman (strongest) superman prime one million superman prime superboy prime sowrd of superman cosmic armor superman all star superman sun dipped superman aplopit cyborg superman evil cyborg superman cyborg superman steel superman modern age blue superman eradicator superman red/blue ultraman bizzoro ad superman ga superman sa superman green latern superman pre crisis superman (weakest)

Order of Superman based on how powerfull they are?

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What movie titles include the word Superman?

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Is there a movie about Superman?

"Superman" (1948) "Atom Man vs Superman" (1950) "Superman and the Molemen" (1951) "Superman: The Movie" (1978) "Superman II" (1980) "Superman III" (1983) "Superman IV: The Quest For Peace" (1987) "Superman Returns" (2006) "Man of Steel" (2013)

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The address of the Helper City Library is: 19 South Main Street, Helper, 84526 1533

What are all th Supermans in order of power?

ultimate superman (strongest) superman prime one million superman prime superboyprime sowrd of superman superman one million tough robot superman all star superman cosmic super man superman red/blue golden age superman silver age superman red son superman ultra man bizzor superman (weakest)

What are the names of the Superman movies?

Superman: The Movie Superman 2 Superman 3 Superman 4: The Quest for Peace Superman Returns There's also Superman: Doomsday which isn't part of the live action series. It's a stand alone animated version.

Who is the helper?

A helper is a person who assists others when they need something. Anyone can be a helper if they wish to be of assistance.

What is a sentence for helper?

Santa's little helper got his fingers trapped in the door.You're an excellent helper, thank you.