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In Greek mythology Poseidon was the God of seas but a minor deity, Leucothea, was the protector of sailors. Leucothea was a mortal queen of Thebes, named Ino and after her death and transfiguration was worshiped as a goddess under the epithet Leucothea that means "white goddess".

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Q: Who is a protector of sailors?
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The collective noun for 'sailors' is a crew of sailors, whether there are two sailors or hundreds of sailors.

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Depending on context, protector can be translated as: Beschützer Panzer, e.g. Brustpanzer - chest protector Schutz, e.g. Gewebeschutz - textile protector Schutzschalter, e.g. Stromschutzschalter - surge protector Schützer, e.g. Knieschützer - knee protector

Is protector a noun?

Yes, "protector" is a noun, a singular, common noun, a word for someone or something that protects someone or something. The noun protector is a concrete or abstract noun, depending on use; for example: A pocket protector or a splash protector is a concrete noun. A friend and protector or a protector of the faith is an abstract noun.

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Protector is a noun.

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Sony PSP LCD Screen Protector is the best screen protector.

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