

Best Answer

I'm going with Gautier Percy Jackson SUCKS!

Nick Gautier is a badass

Percy Jackson is a child who hides behind curtains.

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Q: Who is better Percy Jackson or Nick Gautier?
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Continue Learning about General Arts & Entertainment

Who does Samuel Jackson play in the Avengers?

Nick Fury

Is nick cannon the founder of mindless behavior?

No Janet Jackson found them and helped them with their career.

Did Nick fury die?

As of January 2010, "Nick Fury" is scheduled for release in 2012. this schedule could change. It is rumored to star Samual L. Jackson.

Who plays the role of Nick Fury in the movie Iron Man?

The role of Nick Fury is played by Samuel L. Jackson. He first came out in the end of the first Iron Man.

Who are 12 celebrities?

Michael Jackson, Cameron diez, Miley Cyrus, Janet Jackson, randy Jackson, Selena Gomez, Hugh hefner, holly Madison, kendra wilkinson, hank baskett, mariah Carey, nick cannon

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What is the first book in the chronicles of nick book series?

The first book in the Chronicles of Nick series is "Infinity," written by Sherrilyn Kenyon. It follows the story of a teenager named Nick Gautier who discovers he is a part of an ancient war between good and evil.

Who is cuter Michael Jackson or Nick Jonas?

if you mean when Micheal Jackson got his face done then NICK JONAS DEFIANTLY!

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Nick Butterworth has written: 'Percy the park keeper' 'Percy's bumpy ride' 'The Nativity play' 'When it's time for bed' 'The rich farmer' -- subject(s): Bible

Who is faster nick chubb or Lamar Jackson?

Lamar Jackson. Easily.

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Nick Lachey is better

Who had the nick name Old Hickery?

Andrew Jackson

Old hickory was the nick name of who?

Andrew Jackson.

The nick name of old hickory?

Andrew Jackson.

Who does Samuel Jackson play in the Avengers?

Nick Fury

How did Michael Jackson's kids get their nick names?

he gave it to them

Andrew Jacksons nick name?

STONEWALL JACKSON his nickname was Stonewall Jackson