Davy Burnaby's birth name is George Davy Burnaby.
Davy Lauterbach's birth name is Davy Eric Lauterbach.
Humphry Davy died on May 29, 1829 at the age of 50.
John Davy Hayward died in 1965.
Davy Oyen was born on 1975-07-17.
Chelsy Davy's birth name is Chelsy Yvonne Davy.
Chelsy Davy is a/an Businesswoman
Chelsy Davy was born on October 13, 1985
Yes. Chelsy Davy is dating someone new
Prince harry stills loves his ex girlfriend chelsy davy but I don't think here still goin' out because Chelsy can't take all of the royalness!
Chelsy Davy
Chelsy Davy was born on October 13, 1985
5'6" or 5'7". Kate Middleton is 5'10" and chelsy looks close to her eight when she wears 2-3inch heels.
5'6" or 5'7". Kate Middleton is 5'10" and chelsy looks close to her eight when she wears 2-3inch heels.
If only Chelsy Davy, Prince Harry's date for his brother's wedding, weren't Chelsy's mother, Beverley, is best known in her homeland for Norfolk-born Blaise, 27, is a well-known socialite who regularly graces the pages of society Here's the thing: I'm not so sure Chelsy has the best intentions.
She was Prince Harry's date to the wedding.