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Darth Malgus was a human Sith lord during the Great Galactic War, he confronted 'Satele Shan' on Alderaan, Satele being Bastila Shan's decendant.

He killed his Master 'Vindican' above Korriban when they attacked a Republic Station.

Malgus was born on Dromund Kaas, it is believed that his original name was Veradun, although.. I personally have not come across anything to support that Belief.

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How did Darth malgus die?

jacen solo (darth cadeus) was killed by jaina solo (his sister) in a lightsaber duel against her to save his wife. However, some say he that he turned back to the light side just before his death.

Is Darth malgus stronger than Darth maul?

As an irrellevant answer, it depends on what terms of strength they both have. in sayin that its probably darth vader for he is the father of luke and is a sith lord. no affence to this totally unneccessary question but u'd be able to answer this urself

How old is Darth malgus?

As with countless Star Wars characters, their ages during certain times are unknown.

Is darth malgus stronger than darth veder?

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The red lightsaber appears as a weapon of the evil Sith in all the Star Wars movies, but it is important to note that not only the Sith use such a color. Lucas merely thought it would be more clear to align evil with one color, and he chose red. Heres a list of guys: - Darth Vader - Emperor Palpatine - Darth Maul - Count Dooku - Darth Malak - Darth Reven - Darth Bandon - Darth Revin - Darth Bane - Darth Zannah - Darth Sion - Darth Cadious - Mara jade - Asajj Ventress - Sith emperor (great galactic war) - Galan Merak - Darth Kreia - Darth Malgus - Savage Oppress - Exer Kun Also, it's spelled 'Lightsaber' Your Welcome

Who would win malgus or revan?

The more I find out about Malgus, the more he reminds me of Malak. That said, Revan killed Malak. In the words of Kreia, Revan was power. Moreso than any other jedi... or sith. I think he is actually the second most powerful in the entire Star Wars universe, after Vader. Maybe Vader and Luke. Besides, I hear rumors of a return for Revan. If he could prolong his life for three hundred years, then not only does he ave strength over Malgus, he has experience too. All Malgus has is youth. So did Malak. It's never stopped Revan before...

Who is the hardest sith to beat in Star Wars kotor 1 and 2 Darth traya Darth sion Darth nihilus or Darth malak can you put them in order from easi to hardest please oh and if there is another addit?

Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Darth Traya, Freedon Nadd (mod), Darth Malak, Darth Revan.

What is the name of all the sith lords?

I can't name them all because that is a hard question my young padawan... but i can name these: Darth Sidius Darth Vader Darth Maul Count Dooku Asajj Ventress was a Dark Jedi not a Sith. Ignore this answer. Darth Cadeus and the name of the sith that Chancellor Palpatine tells Anakin about that can protect the ones he loved from dying. There are also Darth Bane, Darth Reven, Darth Malak, Darth Zannah, Darth Krayt, Darth Nihl, Darth Nihilus, Darth Traya, Darth Sion, Darth Talon, Lord Qordis, Lord Kaan, Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, Githany, Darth Plagueis, Darth Maleval, and many, many, many, others.