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Their ex manager, Norman Sheffield.

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Q: Who is death on two legs by queen about?
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How did Queen Elizabeth become Queen?

Queen Elizabeth I inherited the throne by right of succession in 1559. Queen Elizabeth I was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Queen Elizabeth II was proclaimed queen on 6 February 1952 following the death of her father, George VI. Elizabeth I became queen because of the death of her Sister Mary. Elizabeth II became queen because of the death of her father, George VI

Who takes Queen Elizabeth place when she dies?

At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.

When did the the reign of elizabeth I begin?

Queen Elizabeth reigned England at 1558 after the death of her sister, Mary.

Did Queen Elizabeth bowes-lyon have kids?

Yes, she had two children whilst married to King George VI: Princess Margaret and Princess Elizabeth who became Queen Elizabeth II upon the death of her father

When did Queen Elizabeth the 3rd die?

There is no Queen Elizabeth III, so there's no death year. The current Queen is Queen Elizabeth II, and is alive and well at the age of 84.

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When was Death on Two Legs - Dedicated To... - created?

Death on Two Legs - Dedicated To... - was created in 1975-08.

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How many arms and legs do bees have?

Bees are classified as insects and as such have 6 legs in total, 3 on each side of its body. They do not have any arms, only legs. Bees, however, do have 2 pairs of wings (4 in total).

When was Death to the Queen created?

Death to the Queen was created on 2000-10-14.

How did Queen Elizabeth become Queen?

Queen Elizabeth I inherited the throne by right of succession in 1559. Queen Elizabeth I was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Queen Elizabeth II was proclaimed queen on 6 February 1952 following the death of her father, George VI. Elizabeth I became queen because of the death of her Sister Mary. Elizabeth II became queen because of the death of her father, George VI

Queen Victoria life and death?

Queen Victoria, who served as queen of Great Britain from 1837 until her death in 1901. She was 18 when she became queen and died at the age of 81.

What actors and actresses appeared in Feral - 2013?

The cast of Feral - 2013 includes: Suzi Hale as Death on Two Legs

Who killed Mary queen of Scots to her death?

it was the queen of england

What country was Mary queen of Scots queen of?

For a short time two. She was Queen of Scotland when she was an infant. When she was a teenager she married the son of King Henri II of France and Catherine De Medici. She was Queen of France for about 2 years before the death of her husband.

What are the release dates for Thundercats - 1985 Queen of 8 Legs 1-34?

Thundercats - 1985 Queen of 8 Legs 1-34 was released on: USA: 7 November 1985

How many legs do cranes have?

Two legs

Monkeys have how many legs?

Two arms and two legs.