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Put Simply it's a draw.

Doomsday can be killed but will come back and be invulernerable to whatever killed him, but Darkseid also cant be killed. I think there are a few instances within the comics were the fought before sorry I don't recall which issues or of what comic run the originate

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Q: Who is stronger doomsday or darkseid?
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No way! Doomsday is like a toothpick compared to him. (I still don't know doomsday completely though.)

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When was Darkseid created?

Darkseid was created in 1970.

Is doomsday stronger than Superman?

Doomsday is often portrayed as physically stronger than Superman due to his ability to adapt and become immune to attacks that have defeated him before. However, Superman has defeated Doomsday in various storylines through teamwork, strategy, or sheer determination. So, while Doomsday may have the edge in raw power, Superman's resilience and heroism make him a formidable opponent.

Which comic character can beat doomsday?

Superman is one of the few comic characters who has been able to defeat Doomsday, thanks to his strength and resilience. Other characters like Darkseid, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern have also been shown to have the power to defeat Doomsday in certain storylines.

Who is stronger hulk or doomsday?

In most comic storylines, Doomsday is portrayed as stronger than the Hulk. Doomsday's power is specifically designed to continuously adapt and become stronger during battle, whereas the Hulk's strength has limits. Ultimately, the outcome would likely depend on the specific portrayal of each character and the context of their encounter.