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Goku easily

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Q: Who is stronger ssj4 goku or ssj4 or ultimate gohan and why?
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Who is stronger Goku SSJ4 or Ultimate Gohan?

Goku SSJ4 will win because he has 10x kamakamaeha.

Who is stronger ssj4 goku or ssj4 vegeta or ultimate gohan?

Gohan is strong in his mystic form,I'll admit that but he is no where near as strong as vegeta in his super sayian four form but out of all of them goku is the strongest of them all

Does any one know power of ultimate gohan?

Ultimate gohan isn't as strong as a ssj4 the last guy who said that is a total FANBOY with no life.... that's all there is to it......ultimate gohan is as strong as a the buu saga ssj3 goku and ultimate gohan were tied and in the movie 13 ssj3 goku single handedly defeated hirudegarn while ultimate gohan could not hit or block any of his attacks and at the end of DBZ ssj3 goku became the strongest after that 10 year training to fight kid buus reincarnation...and he trained him for 5 took goku 15 years after ssj3 to beocme a ssj4

Who is stronger vegito or vegeta and goku ssj4?

come on use some mind vegito base is stronger than gogeta ssj4 and gogeta ssj4 is stronger than ssj4 goku and ssj4vegeta and also plus vegito base is strongest person in dbgt,dbz and db.vegito is stronger twice as goku ssj4 and vegeta ssj4.

Who is stronger Superman or SSJ4 Goku?

ssj 4 goku

Who is stronger kid buu or goku ssj4?

goku ssj4 is way stronger than kid buu because buu wouldn't defeat even a great ape which ssj4 would

What is the character move set in dbz tenkaichi 3?

Goku ssj4 or Kid Goku GT or kid Gohan

Is goku ssj4 in Dragon Ball Z ultimate tenkaichi?

No there's not they made gogeta ssj4 but not goku or vegeta sucks

Who is stronger future gohan super saiyan or goku super saiyan?

Well,it is hard to decide because when gohan released his hidden powers, he became a ssj2. So it was in him all along. But goku did not always have the ability to go ssj4 inside him. Since ssj2 gohan is most likely the strongest ssj2 and was stronger than his dad when he first transformed during the battle with cell, it is possible for ssj2 gohan to be stronger than ssj4 goku. But it all comes down to what you think and who you like more. {besides,ssj4 goku never sliced any of his opponents in half with one punch!}

Is teen gohan ssj2 stronger than gokussj4?

No, ssj4 is far stronger

Who is stronger gogeta ssj3 or goku ssj4?

goku is stronger because ssj4 goku has the power of great ape also there is just one person goku cannot beat name of that person is vegito.

Who is stronger BUU or broly?
