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nahh. he was actually chasing his monster.

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Q: Who rescued victor from the ice floe?
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Related questions

How far can a polar bear jump from ice floe to ice floe?

about 5 feet

What is a floating piece of ice is called?

The answer is "floe."flow in all direcions

What does floe mean?

A floe is a flat mass of ice which floats on the sea. Here's a sentence: "The polar bear rested on the ice floe while watching for seals."

What is a floating mass of ice?

A floe (ice floe) is the term we often apply to a mass or small field of floating ice.

What is a synonym for glacier?

berg, floe, glacial mass, ice field, ice floe, iceberg, icecap, snow slide

What is another name for sea ice?

floes and floe ice

What do you call Layer of drifting ice?


What is floe?

a large,flat mass of flouting ice

Whast do you call a mass of ice that floats in the occean?

Known as an ice floe

What is the answer to the Crossword clue is a floating ice?

cube, floe, berg

What is an iceberg chunk called?

Fail ice floe is another possibility.

How do polar bears move from place to place?

They swim, walk, or ride an ice floe.