Zack's hair looks really really really wonderful it's amazing it's really hooooooooooot oh god ...
I do actually really like Adam sandler and i have loads of his films and i really like him in Click. He is really funny and i do like him and i think he is good looking for a man who is 42 years old and he looks really good for a man that age.
it looks really beautiful!
...-looks at confusidly-...wut...-thinks-Scooby Doo2 Freddy and a picture...I dun get it!-falls over in confusion-
Many people may think that Tiffany Thorton looks to young to get married. However, as of August 2013, Tiffany is approximately 27 years old. She is known for her roles on Sonny with a Chance and So Random!.
Personally, I think she looks like Rapunzel from Tangled. Except with hair that isn't a billion feet long... :)
No he likes a gel for who they are.
No, it just means something is out of place, looks awkward He thinks your pretty, he really likes you or he wants to say hello but doesnt know how
He thinks your weird it really meens he is nervous
it is when someone thinks that someone is really hot and they have a stroke in shock of their good looks
when he looks at someone really good looking and he thinks nah your better. i like your nipple tassles
well if she is sorta flirty or she smiles at you everytime she looks at you, (sometimes looks at you) then she likes you.
Well, when a guy shoots a look you can never tell what he really thinks unless you ask.
she thinks your weird
He either loves you or thinks your really weird, dont ask him out, he might think the worst of you!
If a boy looks at you it usally means he thinks you are cute, and if he thinks you are cute most likely he likes you.
He likes you. He thinks you think it is funny.