Moray Callum was born in 1958.
Andrew Moray died in 1297.
Óengus of Moray died in 1130.
Thomas Henry Moray was born in 1892.
Gille Coemgáin of Moray died in 1032.
Yvonne Moray is 2' 6".
A member of the Lullaby League in The Wizard of Oz
No Moray is in Northern Scotland
Other moray eels are the most common predators of moray eels. Barracudas, groupers and people also eat moray eels.
Mosaic moray was created in 1926.
Grey moray was created in 1848.
Green moray was created in 1840.
Hookjaw moray was created in 1976.
Speckled moray was created in 1932.
Moray College was created in 1971.
Ann Moray was born in 1909.
Ann Moray died in 1981.