Richie Sambora's birth name is Richard Stephen Sambora.
Richie Sambora is 57 years old (birthdate: July 11, 1959).
The cast of In Studio with Richie Sambora and Ann Marie Calhoun - 2013 includes: Ann Marie Calhoun as herself Richie Sambora as himself
no he is an only child
Richie Sambora's home address is not available to the general public. His official fan mail address is; Richie Sambora, Press Here Publicity, 138 West 25th Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10001.
Heather Locklear was married twice. Her first spouse was Tommy Lee and her second was Richie Sambora.
richie Sambora married actress heather locklear in Paris on December 17, 1994
Richie Sambora's birth name is Richard Stephen Sambora.
Richie Sambora was born on July 11, 1959.
No, he wasn't, but his lead guitarist, Richie Zambora was at one time.
Heather Locklear married to Tommy Lee in 1986 Heather Locklear married to Richie Sambora in 1994
They got married in Paris on December 17, 1994
Richie Sambora is 57 years old (birthdate: July 11, 1959).
Heather Locklear married to Tommy Lee in 1986 Heather Locklear married to Richie Sambora in 1994
The cast of In Studio with Richie Sambora and Ann Marie Calhoun - 2013 includes: Ann Marie Calhoun as herself Richie Sambora as himself
No one at the moment