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In the US, it was Henry Hale Bliss in New York City on 14 September 1899. ---- However, the first person world-wide who died as a result of being hit by a car (not in a car crash) was Mrs Bridget Driscoll, a 44 year old pedestrian of Croydon, Surrey. As she and her daughter May crossed the road on the grounds of the Crystal Palace on 17 August 1896, a car being driven by Arthur James Edsall of Upper Norwood approached. According to witnesses, the car hit Mrs Driscoll "at tremendous speed", about 6 kilometres per hour. The inquest into Mrs Driscoll's death lasted for about 6 hours, after which the jury returned a verdict of "accidental death". No prosecution was made. It is rather ironic that the coroner at the inquest, Percy Morrison, stated, "This must never happen again."

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Q: Who was the first person to be killed in a car crash?
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