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Q: Who was the leader of the avengers?
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Is Captain America Leader of The Avengers?


Who was the leader of The Avengers while Captain America was gone?

iron man

What captin lead The Avengers?

Nick Fury Leader of Shield. If you saw Iron Man 2 he is the guy with the eyepatch.

Is The Avengers cartoon animated?

The mere fact it was an Avengers CARTOON, automatically means it was animated.There has been two Avengers animated TV show. Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes & Avengers Assemble.

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Who would win The Avengers or wolverine?

avengers definitely!

Is Freddy Krueger In The Avengers?

No. Freddy Krueger is not in the Avengers.

Is The Avengers and Avengers Assemble the same movie?


Who is the captain of The Avengers?

As for the Marvel Team, Captain America (Steve Rogers) was until his death, but one year later he was brought back to life according to a new issue. At various times during the comics run, either Iron Man or Ant-Man/Goliath (Henry Pym) was the leader.The British TV Series (later a movie)John Steed and Emma Peel's boss on the British television show "The Avengers" was the spy chief called "Mother", a man of extreme girth and fond of Scotch whisky.

What are the names of the avenger animated films?

The names of the Avengers animated films are: Ulimate Avengers (2006), Ulimate Avengers 2 (2006), and Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow (2008).

Is hawkeye in The Avengers?

yes he's 1 of the original avengers.

What year will The Avengers 2 be out?

Avengers 2 will be released in 2015.