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Q: Why are flashbacks often done in black and white?
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Can you trade Black and White Pokemon to Black and White 2 games?

Yes, you can do it. (P.S. I have done it before)

What is black when you get it red when you use it and white when you're done with it?


What is monochrome drawing?

A drawing done in only one color. a black and white drawing is considered monochrome, as the "color" would be black on a white tapestry.

Is there any pokmemon black and white walkthrough videos that are done by a girl?

I think yes

Which artists are famous for producing black and white art?

Some famous artists who have done black and white arts are Henri Matisse, Keith Haring, Edward Bawden, Wassily Kandinsky, Victor Vasarely, Paul Klee and many more. Even one of the most famous painters, Pablo Picasso, has done some black and white paintings.

Where is zoroak on FireRed?

Zoroak is a VI gen. pokemon. game freak was nowhere near done black and white in 2004. Wait till 2011 to get black and white in north america!

How do you get Lugia on Pokemon Black and White?

You can only get him if you have caught him in Soul-Silver or Heart-Gold. If you have done so you have to trade him into your version of either Pokemon black or white. He is not obtainable through the wild.

How could you see Oz in color on a Black and White TV in the 1960's?

You couldn't! The first bit of the film was done when there was only black and white tv and the second when color came out.

Why are black people allowed to be racist to white people?

Some Black people hold the belief that they were once slaves to the current generation of White people, so they believe that their ancestors have given them the ability to be racist to white folks who have done nothing to them.

What color is a Black man's sperm white or light gray?

I've done the research on this and it is white, indistinguishable from the sperm of any other race.

What do you do after you beat alder and Cynthia in Pokemon Black and White?

look for the seven sgaes if u did that ur done

How are black and white pictures made?

I assume you are referring on how to make a digital photo black and white. Simply download a free image editing software such as gimp ,Then go to click colours -> desaturate. Done.