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When z person are act like a baby means that always this person talks,eats,plays and so on
behaves like not matured or a child.Generally the person is babyish.

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Q: Why are people so childish?
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because she is childish and she want people to think she's all cool so she doesn't admit it

How do you use childishness in a sentence?

like this u are so childish

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Because they are still children.

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This is all dependent on the individual.

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because they are childish do not bug them let them be kids stupid

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because it so childish and it is time for a new trend

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no you won't be clever if you are childish.

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because they are childish and they are afraid of trouble and they can not handle what they have done or did <3

How do you use the word childish in a sentence?

I have to admit that I can get very childish about signs sometimes. my brother is very childish.

What kinds of clothes are too childish to wear in college?

Childish clothing would be any sort of cartoon character aimed at children. Examples of childish clothing people shouldn't wear to college are anything with Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, and Disney characters.

How do you say childish in Latin?

Childish is puerilis or infans

How do you say this is childish in German?

this is childish = das is kindisch