you cant on pokemon black
You cant trade pokemon soul sliver to black or any game you could only trade black to black or white to black
you cant get the old rod in Pokemon black or Pokemon white
you cant catch rayquaza in Pokemon black
you CANT get the good rod in black or white only the super rod after you beat the game
you cant on pokemon black
You cant actually get zecrom on black. you have to get white
you cant get abomasnow in pokemon black/white
You cant.
You cant trade pokemon soul sliver to black or any game you could only trade black to black or white to black
you could only get new Pokemon in black and white intill you beet the elite 4
You cant have in black and white. In generation V i mean unova its not a tm anymore
you cant get the old rod in Pokemon black or Pokemon white
Actually, clouds are sometimes black. Storm clouds are.
You cant catch mew.
you cant silly
You cant.