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Jet Li didn't choose to practice wushu but was chosen to do so.

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Q: Why did Jet Li choose to be a champion at wushu?
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Does Jet Li have martial arts training or is he just an actor?

Does Jet Li Really Know how to Fight ? Well The Main Answer Is Yes Of Course Jet Li Knows How to Fight ! He Started Training In Wushu (Chinese term For martial Arts,Kung-FU Or not to fight) at the Age of Eight Years old at the Beijing Wushu Acedmy His Primary Master Was Wu Bin A highly Classed Wushu Master. Jet Li Studyed Wushu Chang Chuan Also known as LongFist. Wushu Is The Most Effective Self-Defence around. Because Chang Chuan Train in Low Stances Lightning Fast Teckniques External and Internal Methods, If you are Not Convinced with My Answer Then Check out Jet's Prime Example of His Wushu. The Film Unleashed And Kiss Of The Dragon will Prove He Can Fight !, But Wushu Or martial Arts are not to be used for "fighting" Bit for self-Defnce and to prottect the Weak\ Jet Li has mastered a little over 10 kung fus jet li and jackie chan dont study martial arts kung fu isnt based on violence

What type of school education did Jet Li have?

The Beijing Wushu Team

What is Jet Li's ethnicity?

Jet Li's Ethnicity is Chinese

Who would win ip man vs Jet Li?

well... in my opinion i guess it would be 60% of ip man gonna win and 40% of jet li. because first of all, ip man has a better speed factor than jet li, and also has more experiance. ip man may not punch hard but can blow more because hes faster than jet li in my opinion. For jet li, he has a strength factor due to his ability to punch and kick very hard.

What is the birth name of Jet Li?

Jet Li's birth name is Jie, Li Lian.

Related questions

Is Jet Li a champion in wushu?

Yes, he is.

What type of fighting does jet li?


What age was Jet Li when he started martial arts?

Jet Li was eight years old when he began practicing Wushu.

Does Jet Li have martial arts training or is he just an actor?

Does Jet Li Really Know how to Fight ? Well The Main Answer Is Yes Of Course Jet Li Knows How to Fight ! He Started Training In Wushu (Chinese term For martial Arts,Kung-FU Or not to fight) at the Age of Eight Years old at the Beijing Wushu Acedmy His Primary Master Was Wu Bin A highly Classed Wushu Master. Jet Li Studyed Wushu Chang Chuan Also known as LongFist. Wushu Is The Most Effective Self-Defence around. Because Chang Chuan Train in Low Stances Lightning Fast Teckniques External and Internal Methods, If you are Not Convinced with My Answer Then Check out Jet's Prime Example of His Wushu. The Film Unleashed And Kiss Of The Dragon will Prove He Can Fight !, But Wushu Or martial Arts are not to be used for "fighting" Bit for self-Defnce and to prottect the Weak\ Jet Li has mastered a little over 10 kung fus jet li and jackie chan dont study martial arts kung fu isnt based on violence

Is martial arts and whushu same art?

wushu is a Chinese kung fu so yes it is a martial arts and if you watch : jet li's fearless" you will see wushu in action

What type of school education did Jet Li have?

The Beijing Wushu Team

What are five chinese martial arts?

wushu, kung fu or gung fu, karata, Yue Fei, and Jet Li- Courtesy of Wikapedia

Jet Li my name is Erica I want to learning wushu can you please give me some advise please?

Well Wushu is an Olympic game started in 1949 for mostly men and to figure out martial arts government. It lasts for 1 minute and 20 seconds.

Jet Li or Bruce Lee?

jet li has a cooler name

Tajiri or Jet Li?

jet li

Is Jet Li a Catholic?

no Jet Li is a Buddhist.

Entre Jet Li et Bruce Lee quel est le plus fort?

Jet Li (né en 1963) est le plus fort en wushu tandis que Bruce Lee (1940-1973) est le plus fort en le jeet kune do.