Sailor Stars was never dubbed in English because the of the "content" of the season. Also there were licensing problems...
Altogether, there are eleven official Senshi. Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Sailor Chibimoon, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Galaxia. However, in the final season (Sailor Moon Sailor Stars) all of the villains (including the possessed version of Sailor Galaxia) are Senshi/Scouts. e.g. Sailor Iron Mouse, Sailor Lead Crow, Sailor Aluminium Seiren, Sailor Iron Mouse. The 'phages' in the last season - which are the creatures that humans turn into when their Star Seed was taken - were also "Sailors".
Naoko Takeuchi didn't create her in the manga, which is the origin of Sailor Moon
Yes there are 6 Sailor Moon series, there is the first one which covers the Dark Kingdom arc, there is Sailor Moon R which covers the Black Moon arc, there is Super which covers the Death Busters arc, there is SuperS which covers the Dead Moon Circus arc, there is Stars which covers the Sailor Galaxia and there is the sixth one, Sailor Moon Crystal however Crystal has no ties to the other 5 seasons because it's a reimagining of the manga version of Sailor Moon.
She calls out such things as, "Moon prism power, Make- up!" , "Moon crystal power, make-up!" , "Moon cosmic power, Make-up!", "Moon crisis power, Make-up!" and "Moon eternal, Make-up!" These of course are her basic transformations and in their original language. She also uses the Holy Chalice to transform into Super Sailor Moon in the Sailor moon Supers arc, as well as the use of the Silver Crystal to turn into Neo Queen Serenity in Sailor Moon R. Also, in the classic series she uses the power of the silver crystal to become Princess Serenity to fight Queen Beryl.
Sailor Moon - blue x red Sailor Chibi Moon (my FAVE) - pink Sailor Venus - orange (and a hint of red) Sailor Mars - reddish-pink (not sure) Sailor Jupiter - dark green Did it help? Please write down in replies. Do make sure to correct me with Sailor Mars!
The license to air and dub Sailor Moon was never renewed for the release of Stars, so it was never dubbed in English. However, you can go to and view fandubbings of the series, or the series in it's original language with subtitles.
Sailor Stars is the last arc of the Sailor Moon story. They probably felt bad that the Americans lost their chance to see the The Sailor Stars season and decided to stop making episodes so they won't miss out so much. sailor stars is the last season of sailor moon, in the manga.. sailor moon and tuxedo mask get married therefore the two lovers of past, present and future is finally together and the series is done
there is no such thing as top sailor. you can't just make up random phrases and expect them to be translated to japanese.
Altogether, there are eleven official Senshi. Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Sailor Chibimoon, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Galaxia. However, in the final season (Sailor Moon Sailor Stars) all of the villains (including the possessed version of Sailor Galaxia) are Senshi/Scouts. e.g. Sailor Iron Mouse, Sailor Lead Crow, Sailor Aluminium Seiren, Sailor Iron Mouse. The 'phages' in the last season - which are the creatures that humans turn into when their Star Seed was taken - were also "Sailors".
sailor: boat and human
Naoko Takeuchi didn't create her in the manga, which is the origin of Sailor Moon
Sindbad the sailor supposedly made seven voyages.
Yes there are 6 Sailor Moon series, there is the first one which covers the Dark Kingdom arc, there is Sailor Moon R which covers the Black Moon arc, there is Super which covers the Death Busters arc, there is SuperS which covers the Dead Moon Circus arc, there is Stars which covers the Sailor Galaxia and there is the sixth one, Sailor Moon Crystal however Crystal has no ties to the other 5 seasons because it's a reimagining of the manga version of Sailor Moon.
She calls out such things as, "Moon prism power, Make- up!" , "Moon crystal power, make-up!" , "Moon cosmic power, Make-up!", "Moon crisis power, Make-up!" and "Moon eternal, Make-up!" These of course are her basic transformations and in their original language. She also uses the Holy Chalice to transform into Super Sailor Moon in the Sailor moon Supers arc, as well as the use of the Silver Crystal to turn into Neo Queen Serenity in Sailor Moon R. Also, in the classic series she uses the power of the silver crystal to become Princess Serenity to fight Queen Beryl.
Sailor Moon - blue x red Sailor Chibi Moon (my FAVE) - pink Sailor Venus - orange (and a hint of red) Sailor Mars - reddish-pink (not sure) Sailor Jupiter - dark green Did it help? Please write down in replies. Do make sure to correct me with Sailor Mars!
its hard to make i suggest to buy it
To make a long answer short: Sailor V was the first ever Sailor Moon character. The creator of Sailor moon made the comic books first, that's what the anime is based off of (if you didn't know). Before Sailor Moon was ever created, Sailor V was the only Sailor Senshi (scout); however, to make the anime more attractive, the creator was asked to make a whole team of senshi (sailor scouts) instead of just one. So, Sailor V was technically the first to awaken her memory and power until she joined her place in the group of 5 and became Sailor Venus. It's sort of a joke that's she this famous super hero, and appears in games and poster in the anime. that really didn't answer the question i don't think. Sailor V is Serena's idol and she was in the video game that Serena loves. she is kind of like a celebrity, an icon if you will, in the program.