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Marilyn Monroe never had children that were carried to term-EVER. She had two or three miscarriages and two step children with Joe DiMaggio that she became rather close with.

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Q: Why do people continue to say Marilyn Monroe didn't have a daughter when Nancy Miracle has proved this in court in two states?
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Did Gianni Versace know Marilyn Monroe's daughter?

Gianni Versace and Nancy Maniscalco Miracle may have known each other. Regardless, she is not Marilyn Monroe's daughter. Marilyn Monroe could not have children. She tried several times, but could not carry a baby full-term. Nancy Miracle may have known Versace, but she is not Marilyn Monroe's daughter.

When was Nancy miracle born?

Nancy Miracle, Marilyn Monroe's daughter, was born before Monroe, was Monroe, and she was still Nancy Cusumano, her birth name. September of 1946 or 47.

How long did Marilyn Monoe's daughter live on Ibiza?

Nancy Miracle, Marilyn Monroe's daughter was last sighted on Ibiza in September 2010, I read this on the web on Ibiza Times, Who's Who and Who was Who on Ibiza, Spain.

What was Marilyn Monroe's step daughter's name?

Marilyn Monroe didn't have any kids.

What was Marilyn Monroe's siblings names?

Marilyn Monroe had two siblings, Bernice Baker Miracle and Robert Kermitt Baker.

Did Nancy Maniscalco Miracle Marilyn Monroe's daughter live in Ibiza Spain?

Yes, Nancy Maniscalco Miracle lived on Ibiza and is in the Who's Who of Ibiza people.see Who's Who in Ibiza.

Will Marilyn Monroe's daughter contest her mother's will?

She never had a daughter.

Who is berniece miracle?

Berniece Baker Miracle is Marilyn Monroe's half sister. Muahh. hope this helped.

Nancy Maniscalco is the only daughter of Marilyn Moneoe aka Nancy cusomano?

Obviously not, no. Marilyn Monroe never had a biological surviving daughter or son. There is a rumor that Marilyn may or may not have stated herself, that she did concieve and later carry a child to term during her years as an orphan. However, Marilyn was known to make stories up about anything and everything - especially to move her career along and for sympathy. There is no proof of this child and was said to be given up for adoption if they existed; but it is doubtful they did. Nobody alive can actually say that happened, and I've heard this Nancy person is a mentally ill person with a drug problem that fakes this for attention. She probably wouldn't even be old enough, logically speaking.

Did Marilyn Monroe have a sister jennie maniscalco?

yes her name was bernicece baker miracle

What are Marilyn Monroes siblings names?

Marilyn Monroe only siblings are Berniece Baker Miracle and Robert Kermitt Baker

Did arthur miller know his step daughter Nancy Maniscalco Miracle?

Yes, certainly see Arthur Miller Society events section for their mention of Nancy's play Here I am Mother the real story of Marilyn Monroe. And several other books documenting that Nancy is indeed the only daughter of Marilyn Monroe and was around both her mother and Arthur Miller as a child.