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People like catchire fire because it is a adventure, unique, and fantastic book from The Hunger Games series. You should read it =)

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Why is Catching fire called Catching Fire?

In Catching Fire, the rebellion is beginning, and is doing just that--catching fire- because the rebellion and hope is spreading and catching and people are beginning to realize they can fight back and survive. it is basically because the fire inside them to fight back is spreading.

What is the author's message in Catching Fire book?

I guess to love them while you still have them, because you never know when it is their last day.

Do People Die In Catching Fire?

Yes, many.

Does Katniss change throughout Catching Fire?

Katniss changes quite a bit during Catching Fire. The way she feels about people in her life changes and her opinions about things. She begins to really love Peeta and not just play the part. Her hatred for the Capital also intensifies.

What is Catching Fire?

Catching Fire is the second book of the Hunger Games series. It tells about Katniss Everdeen and her second time in the Hunger Games. It tells about her bravery, strength, and "love" for Peeta.

What Catching fire?

Catching Fire is the second book of The Hunger Games series. It tells about Katniss Everdeen and her second time in the Hunger Games. It tells about her bravery, strength, and "love" for Peeta.

What comes after catching fire?

The book after Catching Fire is Mockingjay.

Were there any puns in Catching Fire?

yes there was catching fire

Is the qoute You love meReal or not real from the hunger games or Catching Fire?

Neither. It's from Mockingjay

Where was Catching Fire pusblished?

Catching Fire was published in the US by Scholastic.

How many people does katniss kill in the book Catching Fire?


When will catching fire be in out in the movies?

Catching Fire is coming out in the year 2013, in December.