03 November 1927
Chris Barnard is famous for successfully doing the first heart transplant
The cast of Blue Card - 2014 includes: Vincent Barnard as Cole Joy Barnard as Dr. Graham Jacky LI as Jack Thomas Lim as Tom Josh McNeil as Floyd
dr. gordan
Yes Dr. Christiaan Barnard did perform his first experiments on 50 dogs 35 cats and some rats.
because he is a prick
From an asthma attack in 2001.
Dr. Christian Barnard
Dr. Christian Barnard
dr christian barnard
03 November 1927
Fred Barnard has written: '13 years with Dr. H. F. Verwoerd' '13 [i.e. Dertien] jaar in die skadu van Dr. H.F. Verwoerd'
EflerThe first heart transplant was performed in December 1967, on Louis Washkansky by surgeon Dr. Christian Barnard, at the Groote Schuur Hospital in Capetown, South Africa.
Dr. Christiaan Barnard's mother's name was Maria and she helped in the church. His father's name was Adam and he was a polotic.