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Q: Why does Antony repeat phrase he is an honorable man?
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Why does Antony repeat the phrase he is an honorable man?

because he was an a good man

In the passage from Julius Caesar why does Antony repeat the phrase he is an honorable man?

to show the audience that brutus is not trustworthy.

In this passage from Julius Caesar why does Antony repeat the phrase ''he is an honorable man''?

“To show that audience that Brutus is not trustworthy “

Who said Brutus is an honorable man?

Antony, in his funeral oration for Caesar, repeated the phrase, "Brutus said he (meaning Caesar) was ambitious and Brutus is an honorable man," in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

Why did mark Antony comette suicide?

Marc Antony committed suicide because it was the honorable thing for him to do given the circumstances. He had lost the war and "falling on his sword" was the accepted and honorable way for a military man to die.

How does Antony repeatedly refer to britus during the funeral oration?

He refers to Brutus as a "honorable man" and also refers to the rest of the conspirators as 'honorable men'.

What word in Antony's funeral oration is ironically used over and over?

The word "honorable" is used ironically by Antony in his funeral oration for Julius Caesar. He repeatedly refers to the conspirators as "honorable men" while subtly undermining their actions and motives, ultimately inciting the crowd against them.

What phrase from this passage of Julius Caesar helps the audience understand that Brutus is not trustworthy?

.By repeating the phrase, "he is an honourable man"

How does Antony repeatedly refer to brutus during the funeral oration?

During Caesar's funeral, Antony refers to Brutus as an honorable man. This is said sarcastically as Brutus was a traitor to Caesar.

Who said ambition should be made of sterner stuff yet Brutus said he was ambitious and Brutus is an honorable man?

Mark Antony

How does Marc Antony's rhetoric such as his repeatedly calling Brutus an honorable man affect the crowd when he is giving his funeral speech?

Antony uses his ability to speak skillfully to make the crowd sympathetic to Caesar and angry with the conspirators.

How does the crowed react to Antony's speech?

After Julius Caesar was assassinated, Antony gave a eulogy purporting to praise Brutus. He kept repeating that Brutus was an honorable man while making it obvious that the opposite was true. The crowd turned against Brutus.