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Bilbo finds the ring that he later finds out belongs to Gollum who lost it. Gollum riddles with him in order to eat him, after bilbo asks him what is in his pocket he gets it after he helped bilbo get out of the mountain.

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Q: Why does Bilbo find as he crawls blindly along the floorof the tunnel?
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Who goes partway down the tunnel with Bilbo and what does Bilbo take from the hoard?

Balin goes part of the way down the tunnel with Bilbo, and Bilbo takes one single golden goblet from Smaug’s immense hoards.

Where does Bilbo say that they should go from the tunnel?

on a travel

What is the object Bilbo finds in the darkness of the tunnel that changes his life forever?

The One Ring

What does the author in The Hobbit mean when he says that Bilbo fought the real battle in the tunnel alone?

When the author says that Bilbo fought the real battle alone in the tunnel, he means that Bilbo displayed true courage and resourcefulness by facing the dangers and challenges without the help of his companions. This moment marks a significant turning point in Bilbo's character development, showing his bravery and quick thinking in a critical moment.

Who goes partway down the tunnel with Bilbo?

Assuming you mean the tunnel under the Lonely Mountain that leads to Smaug, then Balin.

Why did Gandalf visit Bilbo baggins in hobbit?

If it is in the Hobbit, it is to get Bilbo started on his adventure. If it is in the Fellowship of the Ring it is to have the ring returned to the mountain to be destroyed.

How did Bilbo find smaugs lair?

Smaug wasn't exactly hiding. He was laying in the main chambers in the heart of the mountain. Bilbo just went straight down the tunnel from the "side porch".

Why do the dwarves finally relent and make their way down the dark tunnel to Smaug's lair?

Bilbo stamps his foot and yells "Light! Light! Light!" repeatedly until the dwarves relent and come down the tunnel. They are deathly afraid of Smaug returning, but Bilbo's cries draw them to him.

What are some bad things that happened in The Hobbit?

Bilbo gets lost in the tunnel with Gollum, The dwarfs nearly get eaten by spiders and then they get captured by elves, and Bilbo nearly causes a war by giving the elves the dwarfs most prized possession.

What is Bilbo and Gollum's game?

Bilbo said, talking to himself, "what have i got in my pocket?" (it was the Ring). Gollum thought it was a riddle and Bilbo decided to make it one. he gave Gollum three chances to guess and gollum lost after four. then gollum went "to get something" (it was the ring), and Bilbo thought he was abandoned and left with the ring on. Gollum thought Bilbo knew the way out and he wanted to follow him, realizing Bilbo had the ring. Bilbo saw Gollum racing towards the gate and followed him to safety.

Who is Bilbo?

Bilbo's mother was named Belladonna Took.

Which dwarf helps Bilbo?

All of them help Bilbo in "The Hobbit"