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I can't remember fully but there is a snake there that he wants to find

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Q: Why does Uncle Monty take the children to Peru In A series of unfortunate events the movie?
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What is the topic sentence for series of unfortunate events reptile room?

Uncle monty dies

What people died in a series of unfortunate events?

uncle monty, aunt josephine i cant name them all

What is the setting of the Series of Unfortunate Events the reptile room by Lemony Snicket?

The setting is Uncle Monty's house.

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We couldn't tell him because Count Olaf wouldn't let us alone with him.

What are the character traits of Uncle Monty from a series of unfortunate events?

umcle monty is nice, smart, likes reptiles, and loves violet klaus and sunny.

Does Johnny Depp play the role as 'Uncle Monty' in the Series of Unfortunate Events movie?

Answer Uncle Monty is played by Billy Connoly

Which character does Jim Carrey play in a series of unfortunate events?

Count olaf, Uncle monty,and somebody else

What does violet invent in the reptile room in a series of unfortunate events?

Violet Baudelaire invents a lockpick to open Count Olaf's suitcase to find evidence that he had killed Uncle Monty

What is Uncle Monty's new snake called in A Series of Unfortunate Events?

Uncle Monty's newly discovered snake was called the Incredibly Deadly Viper. The name is a misnomer, as the snake is completely harmless, but Monty wished to play a prank on his colleagues who made fun of his name being Montgomery Montgomery.

When in Lemony snicket's a series of Unfortunate Events Uncle Monty was singing to the Baudelaire's was his song real and if so what was the title?

Yes it was a real song, by the title of Bonny James Campbell, written by Francis James Child. But in the series, Uncle Monty didn't sing that song. Daniel Handler, again acting as Lemony snicket, says something along the lines of that in the commentary.

Who was Dr Montgomery in the series of unfortunate events?

InThe Reptile Room of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, we are introduced to Dr. Montgomery Montgomery, a kind and famous herpetologist (someone who studies reptiles and amphibians) who is the Baudelaires' "late father's cousin's wife's brother." He prefers to go by Uncle Monty. He is the Baudelaire orphans guardian/caretaker after they were taken out of Count Olaf's custody. For more information on Dr. Montgomery and how he is related to the plot of The Reptile Room, look up The Reptile Room on

Who will die in a series of unfortunate events?

Mr. and Mrs. Baudelaire, Uncle Monty, Aunt Josephine, Madame Lulu, Count Olaf, and Kit Snickett I think that's all I haven't read it all so I might not have named them all