When you look at him, mostly in his 'Never Gonna Give You Up' Video he looks like a 12 year old kid with a man's voice. I know he wasn't 12 but some people's genetics make them that way. Take me for example, I'm 15 and can sing deeper than him.
The actor, David Prowse, didn't have a deep enough voice that George Lucas wanted so they had to find a voice actor with a deep voice
Oh, dude, Rainbow Dash sounds like a boy because she's voiced by a woman named Ashleigh Ball. Yeah, it's like voice acting magic or something. So, even though Rainbow Dash is a totally awesome, fearless, and totally girly pony, she's got that deep, cool voice thanks to Ashleigh. It's all part of the magic of animation, man.
Jose Marie Chan is a Filipino singer known for his smooth and mellow voice. While he is not typically classified as a bass singer, his vocal range is more in the baritone range. Bass singers typically have a vocal range that lies below the baritone and are known for their deep and resonant tones.
Alan Radcliffe is not a actor in the Harry Potter films.
He isnt sucsesfu
You can get a deep voice by practicing and also by seeing a vocal coach.
The reason his voice is so deep is because he developed a lesion (an injury) in his right vocal cord. No surgery required but his voice had to be rested for a whole year.
their voice starts to break around 15-17
Future's voice is so deep due to how much syrup he was drinking.. overtime syrup will change how your vocals sound.
i cant answer why Miley Cyrus' voice is deep but justins voice is high because he is going through puperty
No, I don't think so because I have a deep voice myself that I have had all my life and I never had a single problem. Ever.
because that's the way God made him
The man's SONOROUS voice was so deep, you could barely hear it.
Gruff is usually used to describe someone's voice. So lets say someone says you have a gruff voice they are saying that your voice is deep or harsh.
Your voice may sound deep when you wake up because your vocal cords have been resting and are more relaxed, causing them to vibrate at a lower frequency. This can make your voice sound deeper than usual.
Your morning voice is deep because your vocal cords are relaxed and swollen from not being used while you sleep. This causes them to vibrate at a lower frequency, resulting in a deeper sound.
I don't think that is possible, if so, his voice would be really deep