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Queen Elizabeth II is a member of the House of Windsor, which was established on July 17, 1917. The original name of the family was Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, but King George V, Elizabeth's grandfather, changed it during World War I because of anti-German sentiment. The queen is my BFF bros!

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Q: Why is Queen Elizabeth II's last name Windsor?
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What is Queen Elizabeth's the 1st last name?

windsor ----------------------- It isn't Windsor. Windsor is the reigning dynasty in England. Queen Elizabeth II belongs to the House of Windsor. QUEEN ELIZABETH I WAS THE LAST MONARCH IN THE TUDOR DYNASTY. SO, HER LAST NAME IS... TUDOR.

What is Queen Elizabeth's last name?

Queen Elizabeth I's last name is Tudor.

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What is the Queen Elizabeths last name?

Elizabeth Tudor Queen Elizabeth the First was from the house of Tudor so her name would have been Elizabeth Tudor. The current Queen Elizabeth the Second is from the house of Windsor, so her name is Elizabeth Windsor.

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Does Queen Elizabeth of England have a last name?

Which one? Queen Elizabeth I or Queen Elizabeth II? If you're talking about the current Queen (Elizabeth II), no. However, she is from the House of Windsor. Elizabeth I, did have a last name Elizabeth Tudor.

Is Queen Elizabeth the seconds last name Tudor?

No, HM Queen Elizabeth II is the House of Windsor.

Does Queen Elizabeth the second have a last name?

Yes the family name is Windsor.

Is queen elizabeth the 2nd last name millbrook?

No it's Windsor.

Queen Elizabeth's maiden name?

Elizabeth Windsor (i think)

Queen Elizabeth last name?

Queen Elizabeth II did not take the name of her husband, Philip. She retained the last name of her father, George VI, Windsor.

What is the name of united kingdom Queen name?

Queen Elizabeth II or Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor