The Half Blood Prince (aka Snape) wrote notes in his potions book. When Harry wound up with it, Harry used the notes and became better at potions than anyone else in the class. The notes weren't just for potions though. They also had spells and other stuff, including the "Sectumsempra" curse that slashes Malfoy badly in the sixth, and cuts off George's ear in the seventh.
It was significant because Harry found the half blood prince's book (Snape's book) that had improved methods for making potions. Because of the book with Snape's notes, he was the only student who made the potion correctly that won him the liquid luck, and he used that to get the true memory from Slughorn about what he told Tom Riddle years ago about Horcruxes.
Wii remote and nunchuck both going left or right.
You would need to wait for them to claim you, using a sign or something.
There is a "Camp Halfblood" in the Percy Jackson stories, but I think there is no "Camp Lifeblood".
The setting are calypso's island, camp halfblood, the sea, and NYC (New York City)
Thalia lived with Annabeth and Luke on the run before they got to Camp HalfBlood, and before that she lived with her mom.
snape. his mothers maiden name was prince and he is halfblood. hence the halfblood prince.
They came from stinkin England -Future HalfBlood Prince
The Halfblood-Prince is bat-like, greasy-haired, hook-nosed and gittish.
Wii remote and nunchuck both going left or right.
he iin the entrance courtyard, ouside the entrance hall
I think you know when you claimed but other wise it confuses me. I just believe in Greek gods and think I might be halfblood.
The password is newhero
why was prince Sheny important
Camp Halfblood
If you count Bacchus, Dionysus's Roman version, he was a halfblood before he proved himself in a battle, and was turned into a god.
It's called "ADVANCED POTION-MAKING By Tiberius Borage". However the Book shown in the Movie and the Book shown on the front of the "Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince" book, look slightly different.