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Cause Grover acts like a perv in the movie, and like a real human in the book. More and better stuff happens in the book than in the movie. Also if you have no knowledge of Greek Mythology you would be wasting your time watching the movie.

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Q: Why was the lightning thief book better than movie?
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What book is better between The Lightning Thief and the Alchemyst?

Lightning Thief

Is The Lightning Thief movie better than the book?

the book is better for me anyway, but some people prefer the film.

Is The Lightning Thief book like the movie?

The book is completely different and better than that terrible film.

How many stars did The Lightning Thief movie get?

the movie got 3 stars...whoever directed it was horrible, the book is way better.

Was there a hydra in The Lightning Thief book?

no, it was in the movie but it was in book #2: The Sea of Monsters

Who actually stole the lightning bolt?

Lightning Thief Book: YesLightning Thief Movie: No Real Life Mythology: Yes

When will The Lightning Thief come out?

The Lightning Thief movie was released into theaters February 12th, 2010 and was released on DVD June 29th, 2010. However, the Lightning Thief book was released on July 28th, 2005.

How is Percy Jackson important to lightning thief?

from what i read from the book and saw from the movie, Percy is trying to find the lightning thief but at the same time people think HE stole the lightning bolt.

Is the movie ''avatar'' better or ''lightning thief ''?

i say it depends because if you read the book before you see the movie, you won't really enjoy the movie, and in that case avatar is better. But , if u dont read the book, the movie will be awesome!!

Who is Gregory in the book 'The Lightning Thief'?

the is nobody named Gregory in the lightning thief

Are there pictures in the book Lightning Thief?

No.The lightning thief is only words.

Will the book the lightning thief by Rick Riordan be a movie?

Yeah.. i think it will be a movie in 2010. Yeah.. i think it will be a movie in 2010.