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Because you're an adult and when you have kids, what are you going to teach them

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Q: Why would it be a bad thing for people over 18 to watch ONLY cartoons?
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Why would 18 year olds watch only cartoons if they know it is not good for them?

Well you would think since its there body(and eyes) they can watch what they want.

Why do people laugh at a 24 year old guy who enjoys watching cartoons everyday?

At 24 most people would expect you to have a job and be busy doing stuff. In my opinion, it depends on the cartoon. If, for example, it was a mature anime I would assume most people would take this as a hobby but if it was a children's cartoon, most people would probably find this strange. The world is changing though and I think that more people are hanging on to childhood favorites. (like an adult who is still in love with Elmo or similar). I think that the reason people would laugh is not really that you watch cartoons, it's that you watch them everyday when society believes at that age you should be working or studying. And if they still laugh at you watching cartoons, I say don't let it get to you. Everyone has a hobby, yours could be watching cartoons - understandable.

Why is it bad for adults over 21 to watch only cartoons?

Depends what you mean by cartoons. If it is childish shows like Dora, than that would be because Dora is a show purely meant for children, and it has certain themes that are repetitive and are only really new to children. However, if you are speaking of spongbob, or my little pony, it is fine to watch only those types of shows because there is an adult side to the humor of the show. Those shows are actually meant to attract more than children to watch TV because there are hidden things that are funny to many people. If you a talking about anime, well I guess it depends on the anime. Honestly though, it isn't all that bad to watch cartoons, but it is rather childish to only watch cartoons when there are shows like Survivor. However, you should be confident in what you like, and as long as you are, it isn't bad for adults to only watch cartoons. Especially if you respect the technical side, because it takes a lot of work for one little animated short. The reason why people would think it's bad is because it is considered childish and rather immature, but there really isn't anything bad about it.

Is it true that adults who watch only cartoons have mental disabilities?

Here are some opinions from our community:Personally I don't think bro is 24 and he is still watches no its not a bad thing.No. i am over 18 and i watch anime all the time there is seldom a day that goes by that I don't watch at least one episode of anime :PThe only thing that I can think of is that they think its immature. i am 19 and i still watch a lot of anime (and I'm not kidding when i say A LOT). I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with it, I just watch what i want to watch.No, there's much worse to watch on TV than cartoons (Reality TV for example).Yes, because they do not get the perspective and therefore become unable to function in the society [which of course in not entirely perfect and one has to make necessary compromises and commit lesser evil] How's that for an answer? Cartoons are good as entertainment, but not as majority of your life's activities.Unfortunately, we as adults are expected to know as much as we can, life is not about entertainment. It's about learning.There is nothing wrong with watching what you want to watch everyone is different. who cares if other people think it's immature or whatever they are thinking I myself can't stop watching anime and I'm 19.Of Course Not!!! I WILL!!! And I'm not ashamed of it, either!!! I think they NEVER get old! You can be 30 and still watch Spongebob!!! Cartoons are classics!!!!No it's NOT, anyone can watch cartoons at any ageNo way!!!! anime rocks, I watch it so much that i don't like normal movies any more :DI do think It shows a certain amount of immaturity if they watch nothing else.Not at all. If you like cartoons, there's no law or even a taboo against watching them. I happen to be a Tom & Jerry fan myself.Heck no! A cartoon network study from the early 21st century found that "adults watch cartoons more than children." Don't feel bad because there is still a kid in you... enjoy it bud. :)I don't think its a question of right or wrong. It might be somewhat different than what most adults watch, but everyone has different tastes.No I don't think so because I'm 19 and will most likely still be watching anime for years to come it's all I watch really.Not a bit... cartoons are good. There's nothing wrong with watching them, regardless of your age.As long as you are not a couch potato and watch cartoons daily there is nothing weird about watching cartoons. With so much junk on TV many people enjoy certain cartoons even though they are related to younger children. If you enjoy them then good for you, but if you sit hour after hour get up and do something else.Yes. Hold an intervention before it's too late.Yes. Get a life.Its not a question or right or wrong. If you like cartoons, watch away! Just make sure your life isn't about cartoons, but about important things like being with friends and family, love, enjoying yourself, etc.Some girls might think it is crazy, but it just depends on the girl. Try to find a girl with the same interest as you.It isn't wrong as such, it is a matter of personal choice but many people would consider that by concentrating on just one type of program you are depriving yourself of many other programs which you might actually enjoy if you tried watching them.Many adults watch cartoons for the same entertainment as watching something like "Desperate Housewives," though cartoons can be more preferred since it can take you away from reality's problems. Though because you only watch cartoons; it can seem a bit peculiar for your peers.No, there is nothing wrong with it at all. Many cartoons are actually intended only for mature or adult audiences (Family Guy is an obvious example, and many anime contain scenes and themes that younger people should not be exposed to, and cannot understand).No it's not a bad thing at allIt actually depends on what type of cartoon it is,like if its a cartoon based on violence.Age doesn't matter and I do still love watching cartoons at my age!There is nothing wrong with only watching cartoons. Everybody is different so we like different things.Without cartoons, your life will be an empty void of despair.

How would you describe the purpose for Jerry Barnett's cartoons?

The purpose for Jerry Barnett's cartoons was editorializing prominent people in society, especially politics, and characterize the person in a humorous way.

Related questions

Why would it be a bad thing for people over the age of 19 to watch ONLY cartoons?

It wouldn't be a bad thing because everyone just watches what they want to watch.

Why would it be a bad for people over the age of 18 to watch ONLY cartoons?

well it's not a good thing but it's still not a bad thing.

Why would it be a bad thing for people over the age of 18 to watch ONLY cartoons?

Unless some one still wants to be a kid,yes

Why would it be a bad if people over 18 chose to watch ONLY cartoons?

It is

What do you think of an 18 year old watching only cartoons?

noMany people would consider it foolish for 18 years olds to watch only cartoons.

Why would people think that 18 year olds are too old to watch only cartoons if they LOVE them?

People have different opinions on things

Is it really immoral for college and university students to watch cartoons?

I wouldn't consider it immoral and I don't think many would. Its no one's business whether or not you watch cartoons in your free time. Some people may consider it immature though.

Why would people think that it is immature for people over 18 to watch only cartoons?

They think that watching cartoons is like playing with toys, it's not, watching only cartoons is pretty normal for anyone of any age. So don't let anyone stop you if you love them.

Is it wrong and strange for middle aged adults to watch cartoons?

It depends if your watching it with your kids,that's even if you have kids.So put it this way,u can watch adult swim,its a channel that never gets old and basically says hey your 18 and older then watch some over rated cartoons.But you can watch some cartoons with your grand kids or just acth alone don't be embarressed.I'm 13 and i still watch spongbob.But don't watch to much cartoons or that will be a little weird.

Would girls date you if you are a 22 year old guy who watches cartoons daily?

there are many women out there that like to watch cartoons too :)

Why would it be bad if people over 18 chose to watch ONLY cartoons?

Eh.... not really. It just shows that you like different things than other people. Other people shouldn't really care about what you watch or anything else you do.

Would people find it strange if adults over 18 watch only cartoons?

Kinda, I guess. It really depends on the type of cartoon you watch. If you watch only SpongeBob, or something of the sorts, then yah you are weird. But if you watch only the Simsons then you are fine.