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Q: What are the consequences of hunger?
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What age group is the most affected by hunger worldwide?

Children under five years old are the age group most affected by hunger worldwide, as they are especially vulnerable to malnutrition and its long-term consequences on physical and cognitive development.

What wisdom does hunger give in the giver?

In "The Giver," hunger symbolizes the importance of experiencing discomfort and hardship to appreciate the true value of things like food and sustenance. It serves as a reminder of the consequences of a society that suppresses emotions and sensations, highlighting the need for balance and empathy in human life.

What is the difference between tamagotchi versions 4.5 and 5?

A v5 tamagotchi is famlitchi, so there are three tamas on the screen at a time. A v4.5 only has one. v5 also has different games, TV, no pause, more hunger and happy to fill, and consequences for unhappiness, hunger, or too much food.

Which part of the personality did psychoanalysts believe was responsible for the most basic human desires such as pleasure or hunger?

Psychoanalysts believed that the id, which operates on the pleasure principle, was responsible for the most basic human desires such as pleasure or hunger. The id seeks immediate gratification of primal needs without considering consequences.

How do you say 'Hunger' in German?

hunger = Hunger

What is the first hunger games film called?

The Hunger Games

What was a conquence of the crusades?

Every war or series of wars have their consequences. Mostly the main consequence of the Crusades was that many men died, either by disease, hunger and/or thirst, or died in battle. Very few survived these Crusades.

How many types of hunger name them?

There are five different types of hunger. They are mind hunger, taste hunger, habit hunger, stomach hunger, and body hunger. These can all be controlled with practice to keep people from consuming more than they need.

What are the top ten slogans against hunger?

"Adios, Hunger!" "Hunger is for the birds."

What kind of hunger do rich people and poor people experience now?

"hunger" poor- love,education rich-to be contented poor people encounter *hunger for peace *hunger for food *hunger for shelter *hunger for money

What does hunger have to do in the Hunger Games book?

Hunger is in Hunger Games because the tributes starve and get not much food so they are really hungry. Then if they win the Hunger Games, they can have as much food as they want.