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Q: 23000 years ago a fiery ball crashed and landed 35 miles east of flagstaff name the place?
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What is huge fiery arms or loops extending from the suns surface?

The answer is prominences.

Can bugs like insects such as cockroaches survive nuclear bombs?

There is a possibility for a cockroach to live and die. A cockroach will die from the initial blast, meaning the cockroach will die from the fiery explosion. A cockroach will survive the radiation of the blast, but not the actual blast itself.

Are shooting stars meteors?

Meteors are not stars at all. They are CALLED "shooting stars" because superficially they look like stars that move (shoot).Meteors are gravel or boulders that enter the Earth's atmosphere at high velocity and friction with the atmosphere heats the outer layers so much that they become white hot (they glow and therefore look somewhat like stars).If the entire piece of rock does not vaporize during it's descent - called a bolide, the remains (if as large as or bigger than your fist) are, in fact, cool to the touch because outer space is about -270° C. The journey through the atmosphere has taken but a few tens of seconds and has not managed to heat the entire rock to the core.

What year did the dinosaurs become extinct?

well it was getting to be near the afternoon of the 8th day of creation and god was getting quite fed up with the velociraptors making off with adam every other hour so finally thy great lord above proclaimed "let there be lava" and fiery molten hell geysered from the earth and eliminated most of the dinos. One rather well educated dinosaur had hid out in the indian subcontinent where most dinos had left because Eurasia was all the rage in those days. God was quite proud of this dinosaur and his encyclopedic grasp on the english language, but god still wanted all the dinos to amscray so he hurled this final dinosaur into the sun, but not before using some of his tail hide as the leather outer covering of the first written book.It as named The Saurus in honor of the last of a majestic species.

What does impat stant for?

Chapter 23: The New DealSection 1: A New Deal Fights the Depression-After becoming president FDR used government programs to combat the depression.Americans Get a New Deal-The 1932 elections showed that Americans were ready for change.*Franklin Delano Roosevelt- (D) was a two-term governor of New York and a distant cousin of Teddy Roosevelt.-FDR won an overwhelming victory.-"Brain Trust"- FDR carefully picked advisers who began to formulate a new set of policies designed to alleviate the problems of the Depression.-This became known as the *New Deal- a phrase taken from a campaign speech in which Roosevelt had promised "a New Deal for the American people."-Its policy is focused on three general goals:1. Relief for the needy.2. Economic recovery.3. Financial reform.The Hundred Days- (9 March-16 June 1932) Congress passed more than 15 major pieces of New Deal legislation.Banking Reform: 5 March- FDR declared at "banking holiday" and closed all banks to prevent further withdrawals.*The Emergency Banking Relief Act- authorized the Treasury Department to inspect the country's banks before reopening. This helped to restore the public's confidence in the banks.An Important Fireside Chat*Fireside Chats- FDR's radio talks about issues of public concern, explaining in clear simple language his New Deal measures.-In his first chat, he explained the importance of the banking system.-Over the next few weeks Americans began returning their savings to the banks.Regulating Banking and Finance*Glass-Steagall Act- established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. (FDIC)-Provided federal insurance for individual bank accounts-reassuring millions of bank customers that their money was safe.*The Federal Securities Act- May 1933- require corporations to provide complete information on all stock offerings and make them liable for any misrepresentations.*Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)- to regulate the stock market.-One goal was to try to prevent people with inside information from "rigging" the stock market for their own profit.-1933-FDR persuaded Congress to pass a bill allowing for the sale of some alcoholic beverages to help raise government revenues by taxing it.-Led to the 21st Amendment- repealed prohibition.Helping the American PeopleRural Assistance*The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)- sought to raise crop prices by lowering production, which the government achieved by paying farmers not to farm.*Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)- established 18 May 1933- is a federal agency that established to construct dams and power plants along the Tennessee River and its tributaries.Providing Work Projects*The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)- for young man 18-25 to work building roads, developing parks, planting trees, and helping in soil erosion and flood control projects.-Aimed at preventing another Dust Bowl.*Public Works Administration (PWA)- created in June 1933 as part of the *National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)- divided money to states to create jobs chiefly in the construction of schools and other community buildings.-These programs failed to make a dent in unemployment, FDR established the *Civil Works Administration (CWA) in November 1933.-It provided 4 million immediate jobs.Promoting Fair Practices*The National Recovery Administration (NRA)- set the prices of many products to ensure fair competition and establish standards for working hours and placed a ban on child labor.Food, Clothing and Shelter*The Home Owners Loan Corp. (HOLC)- provided government loans to homeowners who faced foreclosure because they could not meet their loan payments.*The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)- was funded with $500 million to support direct relief for the needy.A New Deal Comes under Attack*Deficit Spending- spending more money than the government receives in revenue.-FDR regarded deficit spending as a necessary evil to be used only at a time of great economic crisis.-The New Deal did not end the Depression, and opposition grew among some parts of the population.The Supreme Court Reacts- struck down New Deal legislation.-1935 the Court struck down the NIRA as unconstitutional.-1936 the AAA was next. (The Agricultural Adjustment Act)-After one federal Justice retired FDR replaced him with a liberal. Court rulings began to favor the New Deal.Three Fiery Critics*American Liberty League- opponents of the New Deal.Three of the strongest critics were:1. *Coughlin- a Roman Catholic priest from Detroit was first in favor of the New Deal-but soon favored a guaranteed annual income and the nationalization of banks.-His increasingly anti-semantic (anti-Jewish) views eventually cost him support.2. *Townsend- a physician and health officer in California.-Believed that FDR was not doing enough to help the poor and elderly.3. *Long- a senator from Louisiana who was also an early supporter of the New Deal who was eager to win the presidency for himself. (He would be assassinated)Section 2: The Second New Deal Takes Hold-This New Deal included new programs to extend federal aid and stimulate the nation's economy.The Second Hundred Days-Second burst of activity launched by FDR- often called the second New Deal or the second hundred days.-FDR called on Congress to provide more relief for both farmers and workers.*Eleanor Roosevelt- a social reformer who combined her deep humanitarian impulses with great political skills. She also are urged FDR to appoint women to government positions.Reelecting FDR (3rd Term)-1936- Alfred Landon- (R) governor of Kansas.-FDR won an overwhelming victory.-This election marked the first time that most African-Americans had voted Democratic rather than Republican.-For the first time labor unions gave united support to a presidential candidate.Helping FarmersFocusing on Farms- the second New Deal also attempted to help sharecroppers, migrant workers, and many other poor farmers.Roosevelt Extends Relief*Works Progress Administration (WPA)- one of the largest programs headed by Harry Hopkins, the former chief of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration.-Set out to create as many jobs as possible as quickly as possible.-Built airports, roads, public buildings, and offered sewing jobs for women.-Made a special effort to help with minorities and young people.*The National Youth Administration (NYA)- was created specifically to provide education, jobs, counseling, and recreation for young people.Improving Labor and Other Reforms Improving Labor Conditions*The Wagner Act- Senator Robert F. Wagner of New York reestablished the NIRA provision of collective bargaining.-Also prohibited unfair labor practices such as threatening workers, firing union members, and interfering with union organizations.-Set up the *National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)- to hear testimony about unfair practices and to hold elections to find out if workers wanted union representation.*Fair Labor Standards Act- 1938 set the maximum work hours for the week at 44- decreasing to 40 hours after two years.-It also set minimum wages at $.25 an hour, increasing to $.40 an hour by 1945.-Also set rules for the employment of workers under 16 and banned hazardous work for those under 18.*Social Security Act- one of the most important achievements was passed in 1935- created by a committee chaired by Secretary of labor *Frances Perkins.3 major parts:· Old age insurance for retirees 65 or older and their spouses.· Unemployment compensation system.· To families with dependent children, and the disabled.Expanding and Regulating Utilities-Laws to promote rural electrification and to regulate public utilities.-The Public Utility Holding Company Act- 1935, took aim at financial corruption in the public utility industry.-It outlawed the ownership of utilities by multiple holding companies.Section 3: The New Deal Affects Many Groups-New Deal policies and actions affect various social and ethnic groups.Women Make Their Mark*Frances Perkins- became America's first female Cabinet member.-A 1936 poll reported that 82% of Americans believe that a wife should not work if her husband had a job.-Widespread criticism of working women did not halt the long-term trend of women working outside the home.African-American Activism*A. Philip Randolph- organized the country's first all-black trade union, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters.-FDR appointed more than 100 African-Americans to key positions in the government.*Mary McLeod Bethume- an educator who dedicated herself to promoting opportunities for young African-Americans.-Also helped organize a "Black Cabinet" to advise FDR on racial issues.The President Fails to Support Civil Rights-He was afraid of upsetting white Democrat voters in the South, an important segment of his supporters.-Refused to approve both anti-lynching laws and an end to poll taxes.-A number of New Deal agencies clearly discriminated against African-Americans.Mexican-American Fortunes-Also tended to support the New Deal, even though they received even fewer benefits than African-American did.Native Americans Gain Support-Received strong government support in the New Deal.-1924- they received full citizenship by law.*John Collier- appointed as Commissioner of Indian affairs.*Indian Reorganization Act of 1934- was an extreme change in government policy.-It moved away from assimilation and toward Native American autonomy.-Also helped restore some reservation lands to tribal ownership.-Mandated changes in 3 areas: economic, cultural, and political.FDR Creates the New Deal Coalition*New Deal Coalition- an alignment of diverse groups dedicated to supporting the Democratic Party.-Result: Democrats dominated national politics throughout the 1930s in the 1940s.Labor Unions Flourish-The American Federation of Labor (AFL)- had traditionally been restricted to craft unions, such as carpenters and electricians.-The Committee for Industrial Organization- fell under the AFL and was formed to organize industrial unions.-It was later expelled from the AFL and changed its name to the *Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO)- the split lasted until 1955.-Sit-down strikes were one of the main bargaining tactics.1936 Elections-Support for the Democratic Party surged. FDR wins!Section 4: Culture in the 1930s-Motion pictures, radio, art, and literature blossomed during the New Deal.The Lure of Motion Pictures and Radio*Gone with the Wind (1939)- perhaps the most famous film of the era.-Radio also embodied the democratic spirit of the times.-FDR's "Fireside Chats."-It was the most direct means of access to the American people.*Orson Wells- an actor, director, producer, and writer- created one of the most renowned radio broadcasts of all time, "The War of the World's." (1938)-The Federal Art Project- a branch of the WPA paid artists a living wage to produce public art.*Grant Wood- painted "American Gothic." (1930)*Woody Guthrie- a folk singer who traveled the roads and rails in 1932 to experience the tragedies of the Depression. Wrote many songs about the Depression.*Richard Wright- an African-American author who completed his acclaimed novel, Native Son in 1940. It was about a young man trying to survive in a racist world.*John Steinbeck- one of the country's most famous authors, received assistance from The Federal Writers Project was able to publish his epic novel *The Grapes of Wrath. (1939)-It reveals the lives of Oklahomans, who left the dust bowl and ended up in California, where their hardships continue.Section 5: The Impact of the New Deal-The New Deal affected American society, not only in the 1930s, but also in the decades that followed.New Deal Reforms Endure-FDR thought about launching a Third New Deal, but by 1937 Americans believed that the Depression was coming to an end.-With rising pressure from Congress, FDR scaled back on New Deal programs.-Result: industrial production decreased and unemployment increased.-By 1939, the New Deal was effectively over as the US became increasingly concerned with events in Europe. (Hitler)Expanding the Government's Role in the EconomyNew Agencies: *The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) and *The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)- to insure deposits and to monitor the sale practices of stocks were put into effect to regulate banking and investment activities.-Although the New Deal did not end the Depression, it did help reduce the suffering of thousands by providing them with jobs, food, money, and dignity.-What really ended the Depression was the massive amount of spending by the federal government for guns, tanks, ships, planes, and all the other equipment and supplies needed for the World War II effort.Protecting Workers Rights*National Labor Regulations Board (NLRB)- created under the Wagner Act, continues to act as a mediator in labor disputes between unions and employers.Social and Environmental Effects*Social Security- was one of the most important legacies of the New Deal.-Provides an old age insurance program, and unemployment compensation system, and aid to the disabled and families with dependent children.-Under the Second Agricultural Adjustment Act- 1938 the Commodity Credit Corporation made loans to farmers.*Parity Price- a price intended to keep farmers incomes steady.*The Civilian Conservation Corps- planted trees, created hiking trails, and built fire lookout towers.-Farmers learned how to conserve soil and grazing restrictions were put in place.*The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)- harnessed waterpower to generate electricity and to help prevent disastrous floods in the Tennessee Valley.-The government also added to the national forest system.-The deficit spending necessary to fund New Deal programs grew immensely as the nation entered World War II.Honors Biology: Cellular Respiration Worksheet1. What are the 2 metabolic pathways a cell can use and what determines which pathway is used?Aerobic respiration & anaerobic respiration; they depend on the presence or absence of oxygen2. Write the overall equation for cellular respiration.Aerobic: Glucose + oxygen yields carbon dioxide + waterAnaerobic (alcohol fermentation): Glucose→ ethanol alcohol + carbon dioxideAnaerobic (lactate formation): Glucose → lactic acid3. What are the 3 phases of the cellular respiration process?Aerobic: Glycolysis & Kreb's cycle/electron transport chainAnaerobic: Glycolysis & Lactate Formation or Alcohol Feremntation4. Where in the cell does the glycolysis part of cellular respiration occur? Why?Cytoplasm; the necessary enzymes are located there5. Where in the cell does the Krebs (Citric Acid) cycle part of cellular respiration occur? Why?Mitochondrial matrix; the necessary enzymes are located there6. Where in the cell does the electron transport part of cellular respiration occur? Why?Mitochondrial membrane/cristae; increased surface area for more ATP production7. How many ATP are made in the glycolysis part of cellular respiration?28. How many ATP are made in the Kreb's cycle part of cellular respiration?29. How many ATP are made in the electron transport part of cellular respiration?3210. In which phase of cellular respiration is carbon dioxide made?Kreb's cycle11. What are NAD+ and FAD? What do they do and what do they become?They are electron carriers in the ETC; they become NADH and FADH212. In which phase of cellular respiration is water made?ETC13. What would happen to the cellular respiration process if the enzyme (aka catalyst) for one step of the process was missing or defective?The process would stop and no more products would be made14. Where does the process of fermentation take place?cytoplasm15.Crista (plural cristae)What are the products of lactate fermentation?Lactic acid16. What are the products of ethanol fermentation?Ethanol and carbon dioxide17. Draw and label a mitochondrion and include all of the parts that are used during cellular respiration.Answer given and labeled picture given aboveHoover believed in a balanced budget and not pumping government money into the economy. He believed in "rugged individualism" and relied on the individual, the churches and private charities, and the local and state governments to handle most of the economic help that was needed. FDR believed in a "hands on" approach to help solve the Great Depression. He favored federal government activity and the New Deal enacted laws that influenced society on a daily basis on the part of the federal government. he relied on people helping other people and slowly building up corporations that can be made to help people, these corporations or groups may consist of the red cross etc. FDR wouldn't quit till he was dead. Hoover was just trapped by his beliefs.He restored hope and self-respect to tens of millions of desperate people, when he built labor unions, upgraded the national infrastructure and saved capitalism in his first term.Photosynthesis Worksheet1. What is the overall reaction for photosynthesis?6 CO2 + 6 H2O à glucose (C6H12O6) + 6 O22. How does this compare to the overall reaction for cellular respiration?It is the reverse of the overall reaction for cellular respiration.3. Where does the energy for photosynthesis come from?from sunlight4. What plant pigments are involved in photosynthesis?chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids5. Explain why chlorophyll appears green to us in terms of what happens to different wavelengths of light that strike a chlorophyll molecule.We see light that bounces off of objects (reflected light). Chlorophyll is best at trapping and absorbing the red - orange wavelengths of light and the blue, indigo, and violet wavelengths of light. It is not good at absorbing the green wavelengths. The green light is reflected, so it is the part we see. Therefore, chlorophyll looks green to us.6. How does the amount of energy in light change as the wavelength increases?As wavelength increases, amount of energy decreases. Thus, violet light (which has a shorter wavelength) has more energy that red light (which has a longer wavelenth).7. Which colors of light are most effective for photosynthesis? Explain why.Chlorophyll looks green to us because most of the green wavelengths are reflected rather than being absorbed. For this reason, green light is not an effective color of light to power photosynthesis. Chlorophyll a and b together absorb light most effectively in the blue to violet range and the orange to red range. Since violet wavelengths have the most energy in the visible light range (due to their shorter wavelengths) they can provide the maximum energy for photosynthesis.8. In what organelle of a plant cell does photosynthesis take place?in the chloroplasts9. What are the two stages of photosynthesis?light reactions and Calvin cycle10. In which part of the chloroplast does each stage occur?The light reactions take place in the thylakoids.The Calvin cycle takes place in the stroma.11. What happens to water molecules in the light reactions?Water molecules (H2O) are split to give electrons, H+ ions, and oxygen gas (O2) .12. What photosynthesis waste product is formed in the light reactions?oxygen gas (O2)13. What two products of the light reactions are used up in the Calvin cycle?ATP and NADPH14. What happens to carbon dioxide molecules in the Calvin cycle reactions?In the Calvin cycle, carbon dioxide molecules (CO2) are combined with each other and with the electrons and H's from NADPH to form glucose (C6H12O6).15. How can cells store the sugar that is produced in photosynthesis?It is stored as starch.16. Label the diagram below to summarize the two stages of photosynthesis. Use the word bank below the diagram to fill in the blanks.Word list:thylakoids Calvin cycle CO2 NADP+granum light NADPH O2stroma H2O ATP ADP + Plight reactions sugarThe Great Depression: BELL WORK•During the Roaring Twenties, many Americans enjoyed what seemed like an endless era of prosperity. Then, in October 1929, the mighty bull market crashed. As production fell and unemployment rose, the U.S. economy lurches into a period of dramatic decline. Years after the Great Depression began, many Americans came to see this contraction as a regular feature of the nation's business cycle.•How did the prosperity of the 1920s give way (cause) to the Great Depression?•What should the US government do (if anything), in your opinion, to help the situation?The Longest and worst economic crisis in our nation's history.1929-1941October 29, 1929- "Black Tuesday"The Stock Market Crash-Why did it occur?Think about stock speculation, think about buying on margin,Think about the economic cycle and values of stocks, think about buy now and pay later.Causes of the Great DepressionA. Slow down of the economy caused by:1. Unsold inventories to begin to pile up2.Shrinking investments3.Workers to be laid off4.Reduced buying powerB. American Business was unbalancedAutomobiles and housingconstruction fueled economic boom of the 1920s-what happens when these things slow down??C.Poor distribution of income(purchasing power) weakened the economyD.An enormous amount of debtE.Hoarding Money-no recirculationF.The Federal Reserve-limited $ supply to discourage lendingG.Smoot-Hawley Tariff-raised prices on foreign imports so they could not compete in the American Market.Results of theEconomic Crisis •Record Unemployment•Banking Crisis-over 9000 banks closed by1932•Reduced Wages•Reduced Confidence•World Wide Economic Collapse•Record homelessness-"Hoovervilles"There were 16 million unemployed-about one third of the available labor force. The gross national product declined from the 1929 figure of $103,828,000,000 to $55,760,000,000 in 1933.

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