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yes because energy pyramid is made up of three things. Those things are producers, herbivores, carnivores. It is at the top of the pyramid because the pyramid has an order to follow. It looks something like this:




It can't go any other way.

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yes, there is less energy at the top of an energy pyramid

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Because the energy at the bottom lasts for longer.

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Energy is lost between each trophic level as heat.

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Animals and plants at the lower levels use up part of the energy for their own maintenance. They can't store 100% of the energy they consume in their tissues.

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the bottom.

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Q: 8 Why is there less energy available at the top of an energy pyramid?
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Why is there less of energy at the top of an energy pyramid?

yes, there is less energy at the top of an energy pyramid

Why is there less available energy at the top of the food pyramid?

There is less energy because there is less to eat.It is like eating a hamburger.....there is less goodness because their is less to eat.THANKS

Is more energy available at the top or bottom of an energy pyramid?


Why are there fewer organisms higher on the energy pyramid?

The higher you are on the pyramid the less energy you get, so it takes a lot of stamina and endurance to be at the top.

Why are there usually fewer organism in the top levels of an energy pyramid?

because it shows energy transfer and how there's more energy at the bottom of the pyramid with the producer and less and less energy as the consumers eat them because they burn out that energy

Is it true organism at the top of a pyramid have least amount energy?

Not exactly they get less energy from the animals they consume.

Moving up an energy pyramid from bottom to top the amount of energy tends to?

The amount of energy in one section of the pyramid would always be less than the amount of energy in the section below it.

Why are the numbers of organisms smaller at high levels of an energy pyramid?

The energy pyramid shows how the amount of useful energy, food, decreases as organisms in that level use it. Even though a lot of energy may be taken in at any level, more energy in the form of food that is available to the next level, is stored on the bottom level and decreases at each level as you move to the top of the pyramid. Thus, there is much less energy to support organisms at the top, so there are fewer in most communities.

What do the arrows represent in an energy pyramid?

It represent the food pyramid and the bottom organism eats less as the top organism eats more.(basically everything on the bottom)

Where is a Manatee on the energy pyramid?

the manatee is on the top of the pyramid

The flow of energy in an ecosystem can be illustrated by a pyramid Why is less energy available at the top of the pyramid than at the bottom of the pyramid?

This is a confusing shape to use as an illustration. To the average person, the large base of the pyramid represents much energy stored compared to the diminishing storage space as you look higher and higher up the pyramid towards its peak. However, those that have studied the actual flow of pyramid energy have seen an upward movement of energy through the peak into the air above. So it's not necessarily true that more energy is flowing at or near the base than at the top. A mysterious flow of energy skyward which disrupts instrumentation on aircraft has caused the Egyptian authorities to forbid flying over the top of the pyramids at Gisa, for safety reasons.

Why are there fewer organisms at the top of the pyramid than at the bottom?

I am in sixth grade and we are learning about this in science class right now. It's smaller at the top of the pyramid because of the populations of species; on the bottom of the pyramid, you've got abiotic elements like soil, air, water and sunlight. Since this is where the energy starts, it is at its most. Then the, let's say, grass, takes its energy (grass is a producer). Then a herbivore will eat the grass, and it will have less energy. Then carnivores will eat that herbivore, and when that carnivore dies, the scavengers will eat it's remains, which don't have much energy now. The decomposers will eat whatever the scavengers didn't and will turn it to soil. Now it is abiotic and its energy is restored. So, since there is less and less energy as you go up the pyramid, There is less and less organisms. I hope this makes sense!