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It is important to remember the properties of matter. Brittleness, hardness, luster, solubility, malleability, ductility, elasticity, flexibility, and porosity are the properties of matter.

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6y ago

Nine physical properties: melting point, boiling point, density, viscosity, refractive index, thermal expansion, electrical resistivity, hardness, color.

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Is a specific characteristics used to identify matter?

Matter is identified by the the study of physical and chemical properties.

What is a single kind of matter that is pure and has a specific set of properties?

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A substance is any material or matter having specific, defined properties.

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The properties of matter are divided into two sub categories. Those categories are the physical properties of matter and the chemical properties of matter.

1 pargraph of what are properties of matter?

The general properties of matter are given below1)Matter occupies space 2) Matter has weight 3)Matter has inertia4) Matter offers resistance 5) Matter is divisible 6)compressibility7) Porosity 8) Elasticity 9) Cohesion 10) Adhesion

What is a single kind of matter that is pure but it always has a specific composition and set of properties?

A single kind of matter with a fixed composition and a specific set of properties?

This sounds to me like the definition of an element.

What are examples physical proprieties of matter?

Its all about matter: we are surrounded by the matter on every moment of life, any thing that we use in our daily life is matter. A matter can me your tooth brush, bed,car each and every thing is matter. a subject that keeps some space on earth is called matter. a matter has some physical and chemical properties, Physical properties of matter are listed below. 1. Extensive properties of matter Mass , volume, length, shape 2. Intensive properties of matter color, density, boiling point, melting point

What is a useful properties?

A public property is some where a whole city or place can go to. Like a park, pool, or tourist attractions.So basically its no one's its everyone's

What is the study of matter and the properties of matter?

The study of properties of matter and how it changes is called chemistry.