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an ethnomusicologist

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Q: A scientist who studies music as an aspect of ancient culture is known as?
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Which phrase describes an aspect of culture-general knowledge?

concepts that can be useful in any culture

Describe the job of an ethnomusicologist what is unique about the way he or she studies music?

An ethnomusicologist studies music in its cultural context. Ethnomusicologists focusing on primitive cultures study music-related artifacts to determine the role that music played in these societies.(APEX)

What are the parts of the Trager method?

The Trager method consists of two parts, a passive aspect referred to as tablework and an active aspect called Mentastics, which is a self-care exercise program.

What are synonyms of the word phenomenon?

happening, appearance, event, aspect, miracle

What are the scientific attitude and method?

Scientific Method1)Know your problem2)Gather facts about your problem3)Formulate Hypothesis4)Experiment5)Observe & Interpret6)Formulate generalization7)ApplicationScientific Attitude*Beliefs-a scientist believe that everything thats happens in this world has a cause or reason*Curiosity-a scientist shows interest and pays particulars attention to object or events.He also ask question and seeks answer.*Objectivity-a scientist is objective if he does not allow his feelings and bases to influence his recording of observation, interpretation of data, and formulation of conclusion.*Critical-Mindedness-a scientist bases suggestions and conclusions on evidences. When in doubt, he question the veracity of a statement in relation to the evidence presented.*Open-Mindedness-a scientist listens to and respects ideas of others. He accept criticism and changes his mind if reliable evidences contradict his beliefs.*Inventitiveness-a scientist can generate new and original ideas.*Risk-taking-a scientist expresses his opinions and tries new ideas even at risk of failure or cristicism*Itelestual Honesty-a scientist gives a truthful report of observation. He does not w/hold important information just to please himself or others.*Humility-a scientist is humble when he admits that he is not free from committing errors. He recognize that there maybe better ideas and realized that there are individuals whom he may have to consult to arrive at correct observation and conclusion.*Responsibility-actively participates in a task and also dutifully perform task assigned to him.