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He will have as many shadows as lights are cast upon him.

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Q: A spotlight shines on an actor on a stage Describe the type of shadow the actor is likely to cast?
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Why does a shadow form behind you when the sun shines?

It forms a shadow behind you when the sun shines in front of you because you block the sunlight which forms darkness which is basically your shadow.

What color are beavers' eyes when spotlight shines on them at night?

beaver eyes dont shine at nite


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The dog stops the light.

Why do you see patches of light in the shadow of a tree?

Its because the light shines through the leaves.

Why is solar and lunar eclipse shadows in the space?

For the same reason that when you walk past a lamp at night, your shadow moves across the wall. The sun shines on one side of the Earth, and out behind the Earth on the other side is a shadow. The sun shines on one side of the moon, and out behind the moon on the other side is a shadow.

What is a preumbra?

The sun shines light on both the moon and the Earth. When it shines light on one side of either one, they cast a shadow in space. During an eclipse, the shadow of either the moon or the earth gets cast on the other one. For example, during a solar eclipse the sun, moon, and earth have to be aligned Sun - Moon- Earth. The sun shines light on the moon and the moon's shadow gets cast on the Earth. The middle of the shadow where an observer can't see any light is the umbra. The sides of the shadow where you can see partial light is the preumbra.

How do you get the rocket nozzle on Super Mario sunshine?

It depends on how many shines you get. when you have enough shines shadow Mario will appear holding a rocket nozzle, turbo nozzle, or a Yoshi egg

Where is the sun's relationship to a shadow?

When a light (the sun) shines on you or any object, the object is in the way of the sunshine hitting the ground on the opposite side of the object, creating shade, or a shadow.

What do you need to see a shadow?

you need eyes a blocked path a light source. the light shines on the object blocking the path and reflects on the ground behind the objet and that is what you need to see a shadow