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Q: Ability of an object to vibrate by absorbing energy at its natural frequency?
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Can sound waves break ice?

Yes, if the sound waves were generated with a frequency that matched the natural frequency of the ice, resonance would occur. If the amplitude i.e. the sound was loud enough, and the frequencies were matched, the ice could vibrate with enough force causing it to shatter.

If a loudspeaker has a frequency of 120 Hz how often does it vibrate?

120 Hz means a vibration 120 cycles per second.

What is the units of resonance frequency?

Resonance is the tendency for something to oscillate or vibrate at certain frequencies more than other frequencies. The two most recognized and noticeable types of resonance are mechanical and electrical although many other examples may be cited. We are able to notice resonant frequencies in a variety of situations. A string in a musical instrument will vibrate at a specific frequency due to its resonant frequency. A child's swing will move at a constant frequency, also due to the resonant frequency. In electrical circuits, resistance, capacitance and inductance can be used to generate oscillations at certain frequencies.

What is a fundamental mode of vibration?

The fundamental frequency is the lowest mode of vibration of a system. If you think of a taut string, the lowest mode with which it can vibrate is the one where the centre of the string travels the maximum distance up and down so the string forms a single arc. It is also possible for it to vibrate so that two arcs (one up and one down) fit into the string, and there are many more possibilities with higher frequencies. On a stringed instrument you can hear the fundamental frequency as the normal note which the string plays, and the others as overtones. Other systems exhibit the same phenomenon.

When you tap a glass with a little water in it It has a high pitch when you tap a glass with water filled to the top it has a low pitch why does this happen?

Glass has a natural frequency at which it vibrates, known as its resonant frequency. If you put energy into the substance at its resonant frequency, you will force it to vibrate or resonate (resonance is a forced vibration). So, tapping imparts energy to the glass molecules and causes them to resonate. This motion sets up a wave of vibration traveling through the glass. The vibrating glass causes air molecules to vibrate similarly. The vibrating air molecules are the sound wave that you hear (the frequency or pitch of the sound wave is the same as the resonant frequency of the glass). As the resonant wave moves through the glass, it moves the water molecules with it, creating a wave of water that you can see near the edge of the glass. The dragging water molecules effectively increase the mass (both the water and the glass molecules) and reduce the energy of the wave traveling through the glass. When the energy is reduced, so is the frequency of the wave in the glass, which is reflected in the pitch of the sound wave that you hear. In simpler terms, when you tap a glass with a lot of water in it, there are fewer vibrations because they have more trouble traveling through the higher mass. Thus, the lower pitch.

Related questions

Ability of an object to vibrate by absorbing energy as its natural frequency?

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What is the ability of an object to vibrate by absorbing energy at its natural frequency?

"Resonance" refers to the fact that, when an object is excited at, or near, its natural frequency, it will vibrate much strong than when excited at other frequencies.

Ability of an object to vibrate by absorbing energy of its own natural frequency?

This is its natural frequency. And just on another note, yes, ur mom does taste like water.

When a sound wave causes an object to vibrate at its natural frequency it is?

vibrate at its natural frequency. WHS AOEC

When a sound wave causes an object to vibrate a its natural frequency is?

vibrate at its natural frequency. WHS AOEC

When an object is forced to vibrate at its natural frequency resonance occurs True Or False?

The frequency or frequencies at which an object tends to vibrate with when hit or struck, plucked, strummed or somehow disturbed is known as the natural frequency.

What occurs when an object that is vibrating at its natural frequency absorbs energy from objects that vibrate at the same frequency.?


Resonance is when a sound wave causes an object to?

vibrate at its natural frequency APEXX

"Does 432 Hertz frequency make your pineal gland vibrate"?

The pineal gland can be activated by many sounds, even an A natural 432 Hertz frequency!

The frequency that an object wants to vibrate at?

Its resonant frequency.

What is the natural emitted frequency (Fe) of the Earth?

There is no such (single) frequency. The Earth is not a resonator, but it does vibrate mechanically (seismic and tidal) and emit electromagnetic radiation at many different frequencies.

What would be the energy transformations that occur when one tuning fork makes another tuning fork vibrate?

The some wave has the same frequency as the natural frequency of the tuning fork, the tuning fork is made to vibrate due to a process called resonance.