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Coroners inquiry

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Q: An inquiry into the sudden death of a person is called?
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Does blood clott in anterior interventricular branch causes sudden death?

A blood clot, also called a thrombus, in the anterior interventricular branch causes sudden death. This branch supplies the majority of blood to the walls of both ventricles. The presence of a thrombus can block the bloodflow to heart muscle cells, causing instant death.

What is life after death called as?

Life after death is called the afterlife. Some people believe that when we die, our soul continues to live on. It is also known to some as the hereafter.

What is the second stage called in birth?

Life. Followed by death.

Can heartbeat restart spontaneously after death?

Death occurs when the person is without the functions of their brain (Some brain cells live on,meaning the brain didnt "die"). Prior to that, the person is not dead, regardless of what the heart is doing. If they are not dead, the heart is not restarting after death, but may continue to beat if the nerves send their last messages after death to the heart. It can happen. But its extremely unlikely.

How can you say there is no life after death?

There is life after death. In fact at the moment of death our body gets detached from our biomagnetic field. Our memories remains in the biomagnetic field. So after death of the physical body the energy field with the memories remains intact. If the field gets attached to a living person, the person develops depression, schizophrenia, split personality. The cause is because of clash in memories of the living person with the dead persons field.Based on my research findings I have written a book LIFE AFTER DEATH -Shocking truth unravelled. it is available at or check my website www.horamag.comregardsGirish

Related questions

What is the name of an inquiry into a sudden death of a person?

An enquiry into the sudden death of a person is called an inquest.

What is the inquiry into the sudden death of a person called?

An inquest.

How is sudden cardiac death described?

When the heart suddenly stops beating effectively and breathing ceases, a person is said to have experienced sudden cardiac death.

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What is the sudden violent death of a star is called a?

super nova

What is a sudden violent death of a star is called?

super nova

How do you put the word inquiry in a sentence?

The cause of death will be determined by the coroner's inquiry.

What has the author Roger W Byard written?

Roger W. Byard has written: 'Sudden death in infancy, childhood and adolescence' -- subject(s): In adolescence, In infancy & childhood, Sudden death, Sudden death in adolescence, Sudden death in children, Sudden infant death syndrome

When was Sudden Death - novel - created?

Sudden Death - novel - was created in 1995.

When was Sudden oak death created?

Sudden oak death was created in 1995.

When was Sudden Death Records created?

Sudden Death Records was created in 1978.

How many pages does Sudden Death - film - have?

Sudden Death - film - has 218 pages.