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No, recessive alleles are equally likely to be inherited (if your dealing with only those two types of alleles). BUT, dominant alleles are the ones that show up. That is precisely why they are called dominant. Compared to recessive alleles, dominant ones will overrule the others, making it the one inherited.

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It depends on what trait. Some alleles control gender, and, boys are not better than girls (and vice versa of course). However, some alleles determine traits like cholesterol. Even then, dominant alleles could actually be bad for an organism.

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Q: Are dominant alleles naturally better for an organism?
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What does desirable features mean?

Desirable features mean features that are beneficial to the organism. That is, an organisim with these features has a higher chance of survival as it is better adapted to it's environment.

What influences natural selection?

Mostly natural selection depends on the environment

What do gene mutations provide for a population?

A mutation is a change in the genetic code of one allele of your genetic code. ( rarely does mutation affect both alleles ) Most mutations are neutral, some are deleterious, but sometimes a mutation in the germ line can convey some slight advantage to progeny. An example of this is lactose tolerance in some peoples of the world.

If a mutation introduces a new skin color in a lizard population what factor might determine weather the frequency of the new allele will increase?

Simple put, let us say that color was a better camouflage coloration in any environment the lizard found itself. Then that better camouflage hid the lizard better from its predators. Then those lizards possessing this new mutation would survive longer, have greater reproductive success and drive a larger frequency of these mutant alleles that conferred this advantage into the populations gene pool.

How many cell levels are there?

cells --> tissues --> organs --> organ systems --> multicellular organism The cell is the basic unit of life. A tissue is a group of cells performing a common function. An organ is a group of tissues performing a common function. An organ system is a group of organs performing a common function. A multicellular organism is composed of organ systems working together to perform the functions required for life.

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Is this true or false in codominance the alleles are neither dominant nor recessive?

True - in codominance neither allele is dominant or recessive. Codominance results in both alleles being expressed in the phenotype (characteristics of the organism). For example, if R is red and W is white - a flower with the genotype RW would have white petals with red patches (or something similar).

Dominant and recessive genes?

Dominant genes are shown for example as T recessive genes are shown as t if there is a dominant and recessive gene (Tt) then your child will get the dominant one this is called heterozygous. Meaning that they have two different genes for a trait such as curly hair and straight hair. There is also being homozygous (TT or tt) the only way your child could recieve a recessive gene such as left handednes, is if the two parents were carrying a recessive gene along with their dominant one or if they both were carrying two reccesive genes. the childs probable genotype can be explaind a lot better with a Punnet Square. I hope this wasn't too confusing.:-)

Is it normal for a college student to be good at math but a sucker at writing?

Yes. Most people are either math and science oriented or language oriented. Few are naturally good at both. Most people are either left brain dominant or right brain dominant. If you are left brain dominant you are better at math and science, right brain dominant is better with languages.

How is a recessive alle different from a dominant allele?

its different because adominant allele is in charge

What is the difference between incomplete dominance and codominance?

co dominance is when there is no dominant or reccessive traits just lie in in incomplete dominance the diffrence is in co dominance the are mkore chromosomes

Why does writing look better with the dominant hand versus the non-dominant hand?

People have better fine motor skills with the dominant hand.

When neither of the genes are dominant or recessive the genes are said to be?

genes can be codominant for example in blood groups a person can be A,B,AB or O. neither A nor B is more or less dominant than each other but they are dominant over O. there are many other types of dominance/recessive relationships in genes. you could look up epistasis on wikipedia to get a better idea of the bigger picture.

What is the motto of Naturally Advanced?

The motto of Naturally Advanced is 'Naturally, we have a better way'.

What are the letters for alleles?

You decide that. All you have to do is define them before you start. The dominant gene is denoted by a capital letter, the recessive one by a lower case letter. It is better to pick a letter which has different forms for the capital and lower case letters (like A and a; not S and s).

Are dominant traits more likely to be inheritd then recessive traits?

Yes. When looking at Gregor Mendel's laws of inheritance, the Dominant allele will always be inherited by the offspring, as it is more potent than the 'weaker' recessive allele (unless the recessive allele is present in both parents; this can be in the form of Aa or aa, but it must be present in both for the recessive allele to be present in the offspring). There are other cases, though, such as co-dominance, in which recessive alleles are more likely to be present in the offspring, but speaking in general terms, it is the Dominant (ex. AA / Aa) alleles that show up more commonly in offspring than the recessive (ex. aa) alleles.

Is A mutation harmful to an organism if it?

makes the organism better able to avoid predators.

A mutation is harmful to organism if it?

makes the organism better able to avoid predators.