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yes the help us they cut the weed so they help i guees

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Q: Are hippos important to the human race?
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Jesus is important to everyone, the entire human race.

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Turks are human and are part of the human race. They are a diverse ethnic group with origins in Turkey and neighboring regions. It is important to respect all individuals and groups as part of the broader human race.

Why are hippos important to the Nile River?

Apart from tourists, it is the other way around - The Nile is very important to hippos for water, food etc.

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If humans didn't have sex, no one would have gotten children, and the human race would get extinct.

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If humans didn't have sex, no one would have gotten children, and the human race would get extinct.

What is populated human race in the world?

People populate the human race. There is only one human race

Do hippo eat human?

No. They are herbivores. But they are the most dangerous wild animal and can attack and kill humans.

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Do hippos blink?

Nope. They just see a different color spectrum like all animals.

What are different kinds of races?

One kind of race is a 'who can do it faster' race, whilst another race could be a 'human race' or the type of human you are. An example of a human race is African, or Chinese.

Do hippos have predetors?

yes human and something else called the pool mate