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They are endothermic because ectothermic means they are cold blooded and endothermic means they are warm blooded and we are warm blooded, and an easy way to remember endothermic and ectothermic is eCtothermic has the C in it which stands for cold and then I just know that endothermic is hot because ectothermic is cold. Hope this helps.

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12y ago

Human's are endothermic (endotherms). This is another word for warm blooded. The term endotherm refers to animals (birds, mammals, some fishes and insects, and even some plants) that are capable of generating sufficient amounts of heat energy to maintain a high core temperature.(mammals=37oc)

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Q: Are humans endotherms or ectotherms
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Are humans endothermic?

Yes. A human is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of homeostasis?

Homeostasis is a property of a system that regulates the its internal environment to maintain a stable, steady-state condition. Homeostatic regulation allows endotherms (e.g, humans) to maintain conditions such as body temperature at a constant level over a wide range of surroundings. Ectotherms (e.g., snakes), on the other hand, exhibit a wide range of variations due to environmental changes. The advantage of homeostatic regulation is that it allows organisms to function effectively in a broad range of environmental conditions. Lacking this property, ectotherms, for example, become sluggish at low temperatures. The disadvantage of homeostasis is the energy costs and resources required to run such an auto-regulatory system. Snakes can eat only once a week, but humans need continuous sleep, energy intake, and waste expulsion to keep the cellular processes running. Such an integrated control system is also under risk of homeostatic imbalance caused by aging or disease, in which case the organism would be impaired internally and unconditioned to adaptively respond to environmental changes.

Are humans conductors or insulators?

humans are not insulators, but are conductors!

Will computers ever be smarter than humans?

No, because humans invented computers so computers cannot be smarter than humans.

How do washing machines help humans?

Washing machines help humans by making it easier for humans to wash their clothing. Washing machines have special instructions on how to install and use them. Basically, they make humans' life a lot easier. But, it also uses electricity, which does not help humans. The pollution from the washing machines' electricity makes humans' life harder.

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