

Best Answer

Yes !

Lichen are the name of a double organism,

consisting of a fungus and a true plant.

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Q: Are lichens green plants or non green plants?
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Are lichens flora or fauna?

Lichens are flora - plants.Lichens are flora - plants.

Who are non green plants?

mashrooms or all types of fungi are non green plants

Does non green plants have process of photosynthesis?

no non green plants dont photosynthesize only green plants do i havent figured out which types dont

What is the color of non green plants?

theoretically green plants contain every color except green, so non green plants in our eyes only contain the color green

Are saprophytic plants green in colour?

no they are non-green

Are algae non-green plants?

Yes they are non-green plantsAdditional answerHey, no. There are plenty of green algae!

How the non green plant get food?

Non green plants get their food from decayed food

Is cell wall green plant or non-green plant?


Are pioneer species always plants?

No, lichens aren't plants

Do organisms other than green plants perform photosyntesis?

Yes. There are 4 types of chlorophyll, two of which are not green and are found in seaweeds. Coloured plants (eg purple leaves) photosynthesise. These are mostly green plants with a strong colour hiding the green. Some free-swimming single-celled aquatic organisms photosynthesise. Lichens are not technically green plants but they symbiotically contain an algae that does.

Why does non green plants not have a digestive system?

Non green plants dont have a digestive system because they only suck the water out of the soil through the roots.

What shrubs does pika eat?

Pika are herbivores and feed on a variety of green plants like grasses, sedges, shrub twigs, moss, thistles, lichens or cushion plants, fireweed and wildflowers.