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Q: Are other any contradictions to the law of conservation of energy in any area of science?
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Why is science useful?

Science is useful in an unlimited number of ways. It determines the kinds of technology advances, medical breakthroughs, and conservation efforts, among other things, that are possible.

What is the best definition for conservation?

Conservation falls under several strands - buildings - The legal protection of buildings that have historical or artistic importance the act of preventing something from being lost, wasted, damaged, or destroyed Then there is wildlife conservation - the legal protection of endangered species like elephants, rhinos, lions, and other threatened species in the animal kingdom, in order to ensure they survive extinction. There is also the conservation of resources like water/energy and fuel. Using our resources mindfully and not contributing to unnecessary wastage. Conserving water saves energy. Energy is needed to filter, heat, and pump water to your home, so by reducing your usage, you also reduce your overall carbon footprint.

Describe potential energy?

Potential energy is a fundamental concept in physics and plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of physical systems and the conservation of energy. When the conditions or positions of objects change, potential energy can be converted into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy or thermal energy, as objects move or undergo changes in their state.

To every action force is there an equal and opposite reaction force that is the law of conservation of momentum?

No, that is Newton's Third Law of Motion. The Law of Conservation of Momentum is that within a contained set of objects, the total momentum never changes. Objects can only transfer energy to each other, they can never really "get rid" of it.

What have chemists done to help people conserve energy?

Chemist have done a lot to help people conserve energy. They have given them other options to get it, and materials and devices to keep it from being leaked and ultimately needing to use more of.

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energy conservation measures for transport sector?

I can answer but i need also other answer. cause i want to have get other idea about. The conservation oe

Explaine the law of conservation of mechanical energy?

This simply means that, as long as no mechanical energy is wasted or converted to other types of energy (and no other type of energy to mechanical energy), the total amount of mechanical energy doesn't change. Mechanical energy refers to the sum of kinetic and potential energy. Since energy losses and energy conversions do occur, this is not really a "law". In other words, the law of conservation of energy has not been known to be violated; conservation of mechanical energy is very easily violated.

How does the law of conservation of energy affect your lives?

The Law of Conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; in other words the total amount of energy in the universe would remain constant. (: My source is the Physical Science with Earth Science textbook, Chapter 5: Energy. (:

What is consseveration?

Conservation has two definitions that I know of in this category. One is in scientific laws like conservation of angular momentum or conservation of energy. Conservation in this sense means that that element can't be created or destroyed. Conservation of energy, for example means that energy isn't created or destroyed, but rather it changes form (like from chemical energy to heat). The other conservation is like wildlife conservation which includes programs where people try to conserve the Earth's resources, wildlife, etc.

What is the other name for the 1st law of thermodynamics?

conservation of energy law .

What are the differences between Conservation law of energy and Conservation law of Mechanical energy in Physics?

The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy in the universe is a constant and will remain so for example ( x=y+z ). conservation of energy has to do with reducing the amount of energy used through reduced activity and/or increased efficiency in the performance of a particular task.

What is the principle of conservation of thermal energy?

There is no such principle. Thermal energy can convert to other forms of energy, and vice-versa. The TOTAL energy (thermal + other kinds of energy) is conserved in a close system.

Is the principle that the amount of a physical substance remains the same even if its physical appearance changes?

The principle behind the statement is the law of conservation of energy, which states that;"Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to the other."Hence, irrespective of being a physical or a chemical change, total amount of energy in the initial stage is always equal to the total amount of energy after the change.

What is is mass of contradictions?

A mass of contradictions would be wheere there are many things or thoughts that go against each other.

What is the Law of Conservation of Enegy?

That is the law that states that energy can not be created or destroyed. In other words, the total amount of energy remains constant.

What is the difference between conservation of mechanical energy and conservation of total energy?

There is no difference between the two, it's just another way of wording the phrase.

Why is science useful?

Science is useful in an unlimited number of ways. It determines the kinds of technology advances, medical breakthroughs, and conservation efforts, among other things, that are possible.