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Brain cells and lung cells are different because they each have different functions and carry out different jobs and specialize in different things.

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Q: At the genetic level how does a lung cell differ from a brain cell?
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What is known as the brain control center of the cell and has genes?

The nucleus can be called the "brain" or control centre of the cell. It contains most of the genetic material (genes) of the cell.

A spherical organelle usually located in the in the center of the cell that contain 's genetic information in the form of chromosomes?

The organelle in the center of a cell containing the cell's genetic information sometimes called the brain or controll center of a cell is the nucleus.

What are the function of a nucleus in a cell?

The nucleus is sometimes referred to as the "control center". It controls most of the cell's genetic material. ___________________________________________________________________ Basically think of it as the brain of the cell.

Do the number of chromosomes in each new cell formed differ from each other?

Gametes contain different genetic information to each other and to the parent cell.

Is the nucleus from the animal cell like the brain in the human body?

Yes, in a way. The nucleus contains most of the cell's genetic material and is responsible for running most of its functions. (Sorry, I just had to change the previous answer. Hope it helps =] )

How does a bacteria cell and a mammal cell compare in their chemical composition?

Bacteria cells differ from mammal cells because they have no nucleus and have genetic material which is stringy and thick found in cytoplasm

Why do you call the nucleus the brain of the cell?

It has genetic material called DNA which undergo different functions such as replication, transcription, translation

How do Specialized cells differ from one another because?

Specialization of Cells results from the differential expression of the Cell's Genetic Complement. Exactly How this happens is well understood. The 'Internal' Control of Genetic expression from substances normally exterior to the Cell is known as Epi-genetics.

A human red blood cell loses its nucleus at one stage of its growth A human brain cell always keeps its nucleus Which cell do you think lives longer Why?

Think about the purpose of the nucleus - to retain genetic information, which is used to produce proteins to replace worn out enzymes or similar. A red blood cell can therefore not regenerate itself when damaged, whereas a brain cell can (to an extent - too much damage and even the brain cell will be destroyed). The average lifespan of a red blood cell is 100 days. The average brain cell is with you all your life.The nucleus is the 'brain' of the cell. It tells the cell what to do.

What organelle carries genetic material and is nicknamed the brain of the cell?

the genetic material of the cell is either DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic acid) or RNA (ribose nucleic acid). DNA is mainly found in the nucleus of a cell, as well as in the mitochondria. It is also seen in chloroplasts in Plant cells.

What does a nucleus in a eukaryotic cell do?

The nucleus in a eukaryotic cell stores genetic information and is the site of transcription of DNA. It is essentially the control center of the cell.

Do any two cells of the human body contain exactly the same genetic instructions?

Yes, if they are the result of sexual reproduction and are not identical twins.