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yes, cells are the building blocks of all life. there are several functions that scientists consider signs of life, and cells are the smallest form organism to fullfill all of them

Billy whatever u are wrong cause i had a test on this and i got this question right i got the highest grade in my class

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YES, amoebas are single-celled and they live, thrive and reproduce.

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by obtaining energy from food.

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Q: Can a single cell perform all the functions of life?
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How is the cell of a one celled organism different from the cells in many-celled organism?

One cell or unicellular organism cells are of simpler forms mostly prokaryotes. In one cell organisms all the vital functions which are necessary for the life is carried by the same cell. In many cell or multicellular organisms the cells are complex and are called eukaryotic cells. In multicellular organism the cells are divided and are specialized in performing different functions according to need as some cells like blood work to carry oxygen, some cell hv functions like secreating some fluids like hormones or vitamins.

How do single cell organisms maintain homeostasis?

by growing, responding to the enviorment, transforming energy,and reproducing and by going closeer to the little bug in them it is the mirical of life

What parts of the cell is included in the cell theory?

DNA, the genetic material within the nucleus of the cell, is touched upon, but no specific parts of the cell, or"organelles", are explicitly mentioned in the Cell Theory, which states the following: 1. Cells are the fundamental unit of life. 2. All functions of life occur either within the cell itself or in the interface between cells. 3. Cells can only arise from pre-existing cells. 4. Genetic material is passed from mother cell to daughter cell in the form of DNA.

What step functions are there in everyday life?

There are countless step functions which are there in everyday life. This mainly entails billing of utilities like water, gas and electricity which are measured using step functions.

How many cell levels are there?

cells --> tissues --> organs --> organ systems --> multicellular organism The cell is the basic unit of life. A tissue is a group of cells performing a common function. An organ is a group of tissues performing a common function. An organ system is a group of organs performing a common function. A multicellular organism is composed of organ systems working together to perform the functions required for life.

Related questions

How can a single cell perform all functions?

As cell is capable of interdependently carrying out all necessary activities in our life.

Does a cell perform all life processes from one cell?

Yes all vital functions to sustain life can be performed by a single cell. It happens so in all the unicellular organisms.

What is smallest unit of living matter that can perform life functions?

A cell.

What is the single living thing that can carry out life processes on its own?

The single living thing that can carry out life processes on its own is a single-celled organism like a bacterium or a protist. These organisms are able to perform all the necessary functions to sustain life, including metabolism, growth, response to stimuli, and reproduction, within a single cell.

What is often used in reference to a single cell.?

The term "cell" is often used in reference to a single unit of life that is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms. It is the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently and perform all the necessary functions for an organism to survive.

What is a single celled organism that can carry on all its life processes called?

A single celled organism that can carry on all its life processes is called a unicellular organism. These organisms can perform essential functions such as respiration, reproduction, and obtaining nutrients within a single cell.

How can one cell be the building block of life for organisms?

A single cell can be considered the building block of life for organisms because it is the smallest unit of life that can carry out all necessary functions for survival, such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction. Through cell division and specialization, cells can come together to create more complex structures and perform specific functions in multicellular organisms.

When can a single cell be called a organism?

A single cell can be called an organism when it is capable of carrying out all the functions of life independently. This includes activities such as metabolism, growth, response to stimuli, and reproduction. Examples of single-celled organisms that fit this definition include bacteria and some protists.

What is the difference between one celled organisms and many celled organisms?

Unicellular-It is represented by a single cellAll the activities of the organism are performed by a single cell.There is no division of labour as the single cell has to perform all activities.It consumes the single cell.The life span of the in individual is short.Multicellular-It consists of a large number of cells.A single cell performs one or a few activities of the organism.Cells are specialized to perform different functions of the body so that there is division of labour.Some cells called germ cells take part in reproduction. Others remain intact.The life span is long.

How does a cell get the information it needs to perform all of its life functions?

All of that information is contained in the cells DNA which is found at the nucleus of that cell.

why are cell organelles important?

because without it cells cannot perform any functions and so there will be no life

What is meant by the phrase cell specialization?

It means that cells can't live without one another Cells normally perform all the functions necessary for life such as excretion, respiration and so on. Some cells give up the ability to perform some of these functions so that they can perform a single task more efficiently. EXAMPLE: Blood cells